WC: 1513
AN: I have lots of drafts so double update ig
"Today's the day." Hope breathed out as they got ready in the morning.
"Yes, today we will say goodbye to Inadu once and for all. I cannot believe your father is going along with this plan." Enna said.
"Yea, me neither but he misses his family too, plus he can't protect us if he can't be around us." Hope said. "Aunt Freya says she's got 1/2 of them in the Chambre de Chasse, we just need my dad and my Uncle Kol but they are on their way." Hope said as they walked downstairs. They made their way to the church.
"Perfect. Then, Inadu will be gone and you will have your family back." Enna said.
"Yeah, by the way we need to work on your talking." Hope said.
"I do not understand what you mean, my grammar is perfect." Enna said. As they went inside the church.
"Exactly, nobody talks perfectly, even my dad uses compound words you should try it."
"You mean like saying 'you'll' instead of 'you will'?" Enna questioned.
"Exactly, get settled in this century. Nobodies planning on putting you back in coffin, and if they were, I'd just wake you and and we could kick their asses." Hope said and they chuckled.
"You would do that?" Enna asked.
"Of course. Your my friend. Actually I think you might be my best friend. I don't really have any at school. " Hope said.
"Well your my best friend too. Although I don't really have many other prospects." Enna said and they laughed. They got interrupted when a tree branch banged against a window and they jumped.
"It seems like me and my family are causing a hurricane." Hope said. Then Klaus, Freya, and Hayley walked in with Kol.
"We got him." Hayley said as they put him in his designated area before the girl's closed it off with salt.
"Guess it's my turn." Klaus said as he went to his spot.
"Alright, I have to go in the Chambre de Chasse so they don't suspect anything. You guys got this?" Freya asked
"Yeah." They said before Freya entered the Chambre de Chasse.
They were prepping for they spell when Marcel walked in.
"What in the world do you 3 think you're doing!?" He yelled.
"We're bringing our family back" Hayley said before
"If you think for one second I'm going to let you girls-" he got cut off when Hope chanted and put him in the Chambre de Chasse as well.
"We weren't asking." Hope said before They got back to preparing for the spell.
Enna started chanting. Blue light started to make it's way out of each of their bodies. Enna chanted louder and louder. Her eyes turned purple, a blue ball of light floated in the middle, Enna chanted louder as her nose started to bleed and the blue light exploded. Inadu was destroyed, Enna passed out.
Hayley and Hope were by Enna's bedside waiting for her to wake up. They figured whenever their family got out of the Chabre de Chasse they would make their way over.
They heard a noise downstairs.
"That might be them, I'll go check. Do you want to come or..?" Hayley trailed off.
"I think I'll just stay here with Enna for now but thanks." Hope said. Hayley nodded and made her way downstairs.
" Hayley!" Rebekah exclaimed as she sped towards her and wrapped her in a hug.

Inadu's little sister
FanfictionSo we know The Hollow was powerful because of magic imbued into while in utero. We know she was cruel and power hungry but what we didn't know, was that she had a little sister. Enna Labonair was also imbued with magic while in the womb. However it...