The 'Plan' |24|

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Happy New Year! But this chapter ain't very happy sorry.

WC: 1867

After dinner, Enna sat down on the couch in the living room. Her aim was to relax, however she just ended up thinking.

She sat there thinking about what she was going to do, how she was going to fix everything, because that's what she did. She fixed things, that was her job, it had always been her job, that's what she was taught.

However she always knew what the problem was, usually Inadu injured or killed someone. Usually someone was hurt or dying, the injuries and the problems were clear. Presently however, she didn't know what the problem was, what needed to be fixed.

She was seeing a dead person, Esther. Why? She didn't know, she needed to know the why.

She was a wolf that wasn't turning on the full moon, why?

What's the why?

She was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt the couch dip next to her. She turned her head to see Hope.

"Hey" Hope greeted.

"Hello" Enna responded.

There was a pause.

"What are you thinking about." Hope asked.

"I'm trying to think of a plan." Enna responded.

"A plan?"

"Yes, to fix things, to fix what's wrong with me." Enna replied.

"There's nothing wrong with you En' my grandma is bothering you sure but we can get rid of her. As for your wolf side, is it really a problem?" Hope asked the last part carefully .

"What do you mean?" Enna asked. Hope scooted closer.

"According to all the witchy tests, you're fine. You're not sick, dying, or getting weaker. You can control your curse, and you're not even a hybrid. You've gotta admit that's pretty cool. Maybe it's a blessing." Hope said.

"A blessing?"

"Yes. Enna you've basically been through hell. Maybe there is a god, or something, somewhere, that caused this. Either way it doesn't matter, the point is there's no cons. Let's say you do figure out how this is happening, would you really want to fix it? Go back to turning on the full moon when you have the option not to?" Hope asked.

Enna thought for a moment, Hope did have a point. She wasn't suffering, she had the ability most wolves would kill to have.

"No, I guess not." Enna concluded.

"See. We just have to get rid of Esther." Hope said.


"I don't know." Hope admitted. "But we can figure it out together." She said as she wrapped an arm around Enna's shoulder, the girl smiling in response.


The adults of the family had come up with a plan.

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