Waking Enna Up |2|

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WC: 2249

"Can you just yell at me already? 7 hours of hostile silence is punishment enough." Hope said to her mother as they arrived home. That's right, they hadn't spoken a word the entire trip.

"The whole point of sending you to that school and calling you Hope Marshall was that so you wouldn't draw attention to yourself, to keep you safe. Why? Why did you do it? What could you have possibly have needed the money for?" Hayley angrily asked her daughter. It wasn't as if she left the girl to fend for herself.

"That's my business" Hope told her mother.

"And selling your blood is mine. You had no right." Hayley retorted.

"You're being a hypocrite. You're the one that taught me 'my body my choice' Well my blood my choice." Hope explained.

" You are not just anybody Hope. Do you even understand what you have done?"
Hayley asked her daughter incredulously.

"Henry came to me" Hope started.

"And you should have said no. Hope, Henry was already a kid who was struggling to fit in and now.. he's going to be one of 3 hybrids in the world and seen as a threat to everyone in the city. You have no idea what you've done. You cannot create something without taking responsibility for it." Hayley explained to her daughter in hopes she would see the gravity of the situation she created.

"What are you going to do? Ground me.. a-and lock me up? I'll just whammy myself out I am a witch." Hope said.

"And I'm your mother. Which means tomorrow I'm going to have to clean up the mess you've made before it gets worse."  Hayley said before angrily storming off.


Hope felt a bit guilty after cooling off then she received a call from her uncle Kol.

"Hey Uncle Kol." She answered.

"Hello, how's my little ne'er-do-well?" He responded.

" I've been better . How's Davina?" She asked.

"My darling wife is gorging on papaya right now. You know Belize is beautiful this time of year you should visit." He said.

" I'd love to but I'm grounded." Hope responded.

" Grounded? You can't ground a witch, let alone my favorite niece." Kol said despite Hope being his only niece.

"That's what I said. Mom didn't think it was funny."

"Well I'm sure it will all blow over by Mardi Gras." Kol reassured.

"I... I didn't think it was such a big deal at the time but now that it's stirred up so much trouble I- I feel kind of bad." Hope said.

"Darling you can't get your knickers in a knot every time you have a little kerfuffle . You'll never have a moment of pleasure. And I for one thought you showed some real entrepreneurial spirit." Kol joked which earned a chuckle from Hope.

"Yeah that's me, your friendly neighborhood blood dealer." Hope joked along with him.

"I'm sure you've noticed by now, the best people are black sheep." Kol said.

"Like my dad?" Hope inquired. That's who this was really all about anyway.

"I was referring to me. Niklaus is in a league of his own." Kol said.

"Seen him lately?" Hope asked. She really missed her dad.

"Well thankfully for you no. Don't worry. Sooner or late something will blow up in New Orleans. Some crisis or other always brings us back." Kol said and Hope nodded. She wondered if The Hollow's sister showing up would be considered a crisis.

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