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Enna was in Hope's dorm on the spinny chair reading a book.

"Enna?" She heard as the door of Hope's dorm opened to reveal Klaus.

"Hope went to meet a teacher." She said as she looked up from her book for a moment before looking back down.

"I know, I'm here to speak with you." He said.

"Oh" she said surprised as she closed her book. He sat down at the edge of Hope's bed.

"So first, congratulations on getting into the Salvatore boarding school." He started.

"Thank you." She said.

"Hayley told me, what Inadu did to you ." He said as Enna looked down. "I just wanted to thank you, for what you did for my family, and that if you need anything. I'd be happy to help." He said and she nodded gratefully as he left.

"Hey." Hope said as she walked in.


"Are you nervous?" Hope asked. "For tonight?" She added.

"Very. I saw my elders go through this, I am not exactly looking forward to going through it myself." Enna said.

"Yeah, I'm not looking forward to breaking my curse either. But my mom will be there for me when I do, and she'll be there for you too tonight." Hope said.

"She shouldn't, I could hurt her."

"It will be fine. She can defend herself and my blood along with my dad's will heal any bite." Hope reassured.

"Let's talk about something else. Like that boyfriend of yours. Landon was it?" Enna teased.

"He's not my boyfriend." Hope said with a laugh.

"No but he likes you, and you like him." Enna said and Hope didn't say anything.

"You should go with him tonight." Enna encouraged.

"No, no the full moons tonight, and-" Hope started but Enna interrupted.

"That's not till later. Plus I'm the one turning tonight not you. You should go have fun."

"How am I supposed to have fun knowing my sister is going through the full moon transformation?" Hope asked. Enna smiled internally at Hope referring to her as her sister even though they were alone.

"By having fun in my name." Enna said. "Do it for me." She added. Hope rolled her eyes before agreeing.

"Fine" she said with a smile as she rolled her eyes. "So...... guess what I just saw." Hope said with a smirk on her face.

"What did you see?" Enna questioned with a raised eyebrow when she saw Hope's expression.

"My mom, and uncle Elijah. Full on making out." Hope said.

"No way!" Enna gasped as she rolled her chair over to Hope.

"Yeah, my eyes will never be the same but can you believe it?" Hope asked.

"Does this mean they're together now?" Enna asked.

" I mean... probably." Hope said with an unsure tone. "But sometimes people just do that and then they don't talk about it and end up not making it official. It's so confusing." Hope rolled her eyes at the end.

"That's annoying." Enna mumbled.

"Tell me about it." Hope sighed.


Enna had basically forced Hope to go with Landon. She didn't want Hope not doing something she wanted just because Enna would be going to be going through possibly the most physically painful experience of her life. It's not like Hope could do anything about it.

Enna was currently looking in the mirror with her shirt lifted up as she traced 3 claw scars on her torso. She replayed when she got them in her mind.

"Go run!" She yelled at a group of children. She wasn't sure what had happened. One minute the elders and her parents seemed like they were dying, now they were replaced by beasts who were attacking everyone.

Then she saw one of the wolves going towards her tent, the tent her daughter and lots of others were in. She used her magic to put a barrier spell around the tent so the wolves couldn't get inside. While she was distracted one wolf pounced on her clawing at her torso before she was able to use her magic to throw it off, it was about to attack again before something started happening to the wolf. She looked around to see the same thing was happening to the rest of the wolves. Moments later they returned to their human state.

She took a deep breath, wondering what would happen tonight. She didn't want to hurt anyone like she was hurt, if the wolves hadn't turned back when they did who knows what would've happened ?

There was a knock at the door, Enna opened it to reveal Hayley and Klaus.

"Ready sweetie?" Hayley asked.

"I don't think that's possible." She responded as she stepped out of the room closing the door behind her. Hayley wrapped her arm around Enna as she led her outside.

"Don't we have to go to the facility they have?" Enna questioned.

"Usually, yes but we both agreed it would be better to do this out here. Besides it's not like that could hold you anyways. You're basically an original werewolf, possibly stronger than one considering The Hollow just had to use her magic on you." Klaus said and Enna nodded.

The three of them made their way out to the middle of the woods.

"Okay, when it starts you can't fight it. It'll only make it worse and last longer." Hayley started before a surge of pain went through Enna's body as she fell to the ground with a groan as her arm and leg broke.

"It's starting." Klaus stated as they both knelt down to her level.

"Take deep breaths. Don't fight it, you need to embrace it. It'll be over soon." Hayley reassured as she rubbed Enna's back reassuringly, Enna bit her tongue to keep from yelling at as he back started to break.

"It'll all be over soon." Klaus told her. Enna cried as wolf fangs ripped through her gums.

"It's okay, it's all going to be okay." Hayley kept reassuring through the whole process. Whenever it was finally over Enna was a wolf with shiny black fur she growled at Hayley not recognizing her since Hayley was still binded. However Klaus stepped in between them and turned as he led her away from Hayley and any others she could harm. He supervised her as she hunted various animals that night.

Inadu's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now