Chapter sixteen

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Naomi arrived in front of the address that Anita gave her and couldn’t believe her eyes. The house was practically a manor and it was so big. There were countless cars outside and a butler was welcoming students inside. Everyone in the school turned up for this party and she could tell by the number of cars outside and students waiting to get inside. She coiled her fingers, wondering if she really should be there but this is one of the nights her father stays out till the next day because he only dropped by at home to have his dinner before leaving again.
She stood outside, waiting to know if she could catch a glimpse of Anita or if she would come out to welcome her when a truck pulled over in front of her. She looked into the truck at the driver and smiled softly.
“Just wait for me to find a place to park okay, I will be right there,” Justin said and she nodded before he drove off once more. She stood at her spot, waiting for him and then she felt an eerie feeling around her that made her hairs stood on end. She glanced behind her immediately but there was no one there and this time, she knew it was not her wolf friend because she was scared rather than happy. It was nothing like the feeling her wolf friend gives her.
“Hi,” she heard and turned sharply in a jolt to be met with a smiling face. “Everyone is inside, why are you outside?” the boy asked. He had black hair with black eyes and he was handsome, like very handsome and he was tall, almost as tall as Asher. However, there was something about his smile that gave her the creeps.
“I-I’m just waiting for my friend,” she replied, taking a step back to move herself from the strange boy. He was not from her school but she figures he must be Asher’s friend, after all, Asher was a new student and it was possibly for him to have friends that would come to his party.
“Oh, is this friend coming or would you want me to lead you inside?” the boy asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” she replied and just then she saw Justin jogging over. “My friend is already here,” and with that, she walked around the boy to Justin who stopped seeing her come to him and he glanced at the boy in front of him with a slight frown. He doesn’t know him, has never seen him either but he was sure of one thing: Naomi was afraid of him.
“Everything okay,” he asked, pushing Naomi behind him while he stepped up to shield her from the boy.
“Oh nothing,” the boy smiled, “I just noticed that she was standing alone so I offered to take her inside, is all,” he shrugged.
“Thanks for your offer but that won’t be necessary,” Justin said and grabbed Naomi’s hand, leading her to the front door of the manor. The butler glanced at them and his eyes lingered on Naomi before he gave her a smile, something that made her frown but she didn’t think too much of it. They stepped into the house where everyone was dancing and drinking and she gasped at the interior of the house. It seems like Anita’s parents are rich because damn, the house was the best she had visited. Even the Roberts would have to bow to them because what she was seeing speaks of great wealth.
“Okay, they are rich, I will give them that,” Justin whispered in her ear and she chuckled, still glancing around. “Can I talk to you, Naomi?” he whispered in her ear again and she glanced up at him to see the plea in his beautiful green eyes. She gulped and nodded, her heart beating loud in her chest as Justin started leading her away from the living room. She didn’t know where they are going and she could tell that neither does Justin for he kept stopping to calculate. Eventually, they found themselves in the kitchen and they smiled at the people there before heading to the backdoor which finally led them to the back lawn. “Here is okay,” he said and turned to her.
Naomi freed her hand from his and hugged herself, hanging her head low as she waited for him to speak first.
Justin watched her, he knows of all the things he wants to say to her but he just doesn’t know where to begin. He had stayed in the bathroom the whole evening planning how to say all he wants to say to her and praying for Stacy not to show up and now that he finally has her to himself like he had hoped, he found himself speechless. “Um,” he cleared his throat, “Mr. Robert’s is recruiting my dad to build something for him. Um, it’s a giant breakthrough for my family and everyone is talking about it and happy.”
Naomi nodded without saying a thing and without looking up either.
Justin stared at her and bit his lip, then he ran his finger on his blonde hair. “I was happy, until he came with his condition.” He added, watching her, wanting to see her reaction, “he wanted me to get close to his daughter. Everyone thinks it’s an easy condition but, it’s not.”
Naomi fought to keep her head down without looking at him, she knows what he wants to say and even though she does, it doesn’t make it less painful. Just when she thought he was finally noticing her and maybe would ask her out, this happened. For crying out loud, she gave him her first kiss. Her first kiss.
“Say something Naomi, please,” Justin pleaded when he couldn’t take it anymore, “please.”
Closing her eyes, Naomi sucked in a deep breath and looked up at him. “What do you want me to say? You don’t owe me any explanation.”
“But I do, Naomi,” he grabbed her shoulders. “Maybe without that party in the woods, I don’t, but I do now, Naomi, after that party. That kiss. Or didn’t you feel it too?” he pulled her close, his eyes going to her lips. “When I kissed you that night and you kissed me back, I knew you felt it too. I knew you want me too, like I want you. And just after I thought things would be okay, Mr. Robert raised that condition. I don’t like Stacy, you of all people should know. We three were friends growing up but I never really liked her and it got worse after she went on that her vacation last year. Or perhaps, it got worse when she started calling you Psychic and then she got the whole school calling you that as well. Naomi,” he called, his eyes going to hers before going down to her lips as she slowly leaned over to kiss her.
A low growl startled them and they both turned to see Asher standing not far from them with two glasses of juice. He smiled and it was pretty obvious that his smile was forced, “I gotta tell Tobias to watch his dog,” he said, approaching them. “The party is inside, why is the two of you out here.”
“It’s none of your business,” Justin said, annoyed at his interruption.
“It’s my house. Everywhere within this property is my business,” Asher replied, looking down at the boy.
“We are here because of your party. Is this how you treat your guest?”
“I didn’t invite you in case you have forgotten, you invited yourself.”
“You…” Justin wanted to retort but he realized Asher was right, he really didn’t invite him and he had invited himself when he heard that Naomi would be going. “Fine,” he nodded, “you win.”
“No,” Asher shook his head, “I’m right.”
‘My Prince, there is sighting of the unknown wolves,’ a voice reported in Asher’s mind and his hand tightened on the glasses he was holding.
‘Where?’ he asked.
‘The Eastern part of the human woods.’
‘Go ahead, I will be right there.’ He ordered and glanced at Naomi before his gaze traveled to Justin. “Well, as you said, it’s a party and you are free to stay anywhere but the rooms, so I guess,” he said reluctantly as he shrugged and then he offered Naomi one of the glasses he was carrying, “do enjoy yourself, I will be right back,” he smiled and to Justin, he said, “you can get your own drink,” before he turned and walked away snappily.
‘Where are you, there is sighting of the wolves,’ he called in his mind link.
‘I know, Tobias told me. Are you going or should I come along.’ Anita responded.
‘No need, I need you to go to the back lawn and get Naomi inside. I don’t trust her alone with Justin and you are not to let her out of your sight till I am back.’
He heard Anita’s laughter in his mind but he didn’t stay to hear her jest and just quickly went to a room and teleported to the woods.

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