Chapter five

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“So, how was it?” Anita asked as she stood beside Asher, watching the partying nightwalkers.
Asher chuckled, “thought you didn’t want to hear about it?”
“Well, I would rather listen to it than have you be as silent as you are. We both know you are dying to tell me about it so get on with it.”
Asher laughed softly before saying, “you should know that it was not as magical as I had hoped.”
Anita glanced at him in shock, “pray tell, what happened? You seemed pretty smitten with her.”
“Yeah,” he sighed and brought his goblet of blood to his lips. The vampires are finding it hard to let go of their origin, even the party was like the ball held in Victorian times, exactly like the parties his father throws every single year and he found himself not really looking forward to this year’s own. “She is inexperienced and you know how hard I find it being with inexperienced women. I don’t have the time to be telling anyone to stay this way and that way, so I lied that I came when she did for the second time just to get her out of my room.”
“Wow, poor girl just lost her innocence to what was obviously the best night of her life only for her to spoken about in this way,” Anita shook her head and sipped her glass of water, the only thing she was sure wasn’t blood or have a little of it inside.
Asher scoffed, “if you are feeling bad for her then what about me that have to walk around a party with a boner.” His words brought Anita’s gaze on him immediately and he snickered.
“God, Asher, what happened to you? You used to be a naïve, shy and innocent boy growing up and now…I don’t even know what you are anymore. There is absolutely no pack, or vampire council, or demon kingdom that you haven’t had more than one lover.”
“With absolutely nothing to do, how exactly do you expect me to spend my time? And besides, I never forced anyone, they are always willing,” he shrugged.
“Seriously, your mate is really going to hear an earful from me, trust me.”
Asher chuckled and sipped his blood wine, his eyes scanning the party, looking for the prey to unleash his frustration on. “They are a lot of beauties tonight but if I am being honest, I don’t feel attracted to anyone at the moment.”
“Finally, for the first time in history,” Anita said loudly but with the waltz playing, no one paid them any attention. “I never thought I would see the day I would hear that from you, Prince Asher, lover of beauties.”
Asher grinned and finished the last drop of the blood in his goblet, “some days are like that. And if I am being honest, this party is as boring as my father’s balls. Sometimes I wish he can go a year without having them but no, his mate’s birthdays must always be celebrated.”
“And her birthday is around the corner,” Anita chipped in to annoy him.
“Exactly,” he concurred with a roll of his eyes. “I’m turning in, better still, I will go for a run before that. You still want to stay?”
“Sure, I would rather stay here and pass the time. Just, let me know when you are back from your run.”
Asher nodded and dropping the goblet on a tray, he walked out of the ballroom. He contemplated going to his room to change but at the end, he changed his mind and soon, the sound of bones shifting and forming were heard and then a very big sliver wolf with red eyes sprinted out of the gates and into the woods, leaving nothing but shredded clothes where he once stood.
Naomi sat by the corner, watching the partying students, the music was so loud and there were drinks everywhere. She was sure as hell the principal would be so mad at them if she should find out about this and especially if they leave without cleaning everywhere up. Guess that’s why Justin said they would stay till morning, because by then, everyone would be sober and they would have the place cleaned up before leaving. Typical Justin, always thinking everything through.
She smiled at her thought and sipped the drink in her hand, searching for him with her eyes. After showing up and saving her from the she-devils, he had shoved the drink in her hands and asked her to enjoy herself and then disappeared. She licked her lips and glanced at the dancing students once more, wishing that she would bring herself to join them. She means, what good is a party if she won’t even dance? But that is all in her thinking, she knew very well that nothing would make her leave her spot, like hell.
“There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you,” a voice said and she looked up to see the blonde hair and green eyes she has been searching for. He was smiling at her and immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her up, “dance with me.”
“Um, I’m sorry but I don’t dance,” she quickly said, snatching her hand from him. In as much as loved him holding her, she didn’t want to feel him so close that she would end up falling for him more than she already does. Her hand felt cold without his touch and she quickly hugged it to her chest. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s a party, Naomi, what good is a party if you are just going to sit in a corner and watch others having fun?” he asked, a bright smile playing on his lips.
Naomi licked her lips and immediately avoided his gaze just so not to memorize how he looked with his flushed face and dazzling smile. “I am having quite a lot of fun, actually.”
Justin chuckled and grabbed her hand once more, this time, he leaned closer to her face and whispered, “but I want to feel my hands on your waist as I dance with you.” His voice soft and sensual, caressing every part of her skin that she trembled.
She gulped and looked up at him, caught in his beautiful green eyes, “but I don’t know how to dance,” she whispered, her voice trembling with the tension around them.
“Don’t worry, I will teach you,” he said, his lips inches away from hers and she had the impulsive thought of leaning in and kissing him but she didn’t, of course she didn’t because she couldn’t.
“Justin, I don’t think you want to be seen dancing with me.”
“And why is that?” he asked, he didn’t stay to hear her answer and just pulled her towards the dancing students, his hands circling on her waist and pulling her close that she rested her hands on his chest, his strong sexy chest.
Asher sprinted through the woods, there was something he didn’t tell Anita. After Brianda left his room, he had fallen asleep and when he woke up, he had seen black lines on his hands, just like in his dreams, just like it happened when he was five but it had disappeared a while later. He didn’t leave the party because it was boring, but because it was hard laughing and pretending to be teasing Anita, because it was hard trying to act normal when he could feel his insides breaking. His chest was hurting, like it did that day and he could feel his mind losing control.
But thanks to the air, the cool breeze was helping to calm him as always, something the crowded party had failed to do. He could feel his senses returning with each mile he ate and after covering a lot of distance, he was finally back to normal, every part of him was calmed. He stopped then to see that he was pretty far from their woods and was actually in the human woods. He hardly come to these parts, not for any reason but because he found it hard associating with humans. Although he was free to go there as much as he wants but he hardly does unless Anita wanted to and so finding himself in their woods was a surprise to him.
He turned to run back home when he heard it, it was faint but because of his sharp hearing, he knew what was happening. It was music and looks like some people were partying. Closing his eyes, he connected his senses to his paws and felt the ground, tracking them down in his mind immediately. It was a group of human teenagers, what in the world are they doing in the woods at this time of the night? With nothing in his hands to do, he decided to check them out, after all, he would really love to see the kids that were so brazen to party in the woods.
It didn’t take him along to arrive at the scene. From his spot, he could see everything they were doing but they would never sense him, not ever. There were drinks everywhere and he could tell that they had already have a lot to drink. He watched them for some time, there was nothing so interesting they were doing and so he turned to leave but right at that moment, he caught on a smell and turned back sharply at the dancing students. His eyes searching for what his nose was smelling and it took him only a few short seconds to find it, or rather her. She was clinging to the boy that was dancing with her, she was stiff, obviously a very bad dancer and also didn’t want to show it off.
The boy grabbed her hand and spun her around and as he did, he saw her face. She wasn’t pretty, definitely not even his average taste in women but there was something about her, something about her that seemed to pull him and he sensed his demon react to it.

His Mate: Prince Asher Where stories live. Discover now