Chapter fifteen

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Asher appeared in a dark room, carrying the unconscious Naomi in his arms. With a deep breath, he easily found her room, using her scent but there was another scent, a scent he wasn’t afraid of but would easily prey on a weaker wolf: wolf hunter.
There was a wolf hunter in the house. Normally, wolf hunters are always humans and they always have human scents but because they always carry wolfsbane, a poison that is fatal to wolves, the scent of the poison has missed with theirs, giving them a distinctive smell, thereby making it easy for wolves to identify them in a crowd of humans.
Why is there a wolf hunter in Naomi’s house? He wondered as he carried her to her room. He placed her on her bed, carefully covering her with the bedcover. When his task was done, he stood beside her and softly gazed on her face. When he first saw, she wasn’t even pretty, but right now, he could clearly see that even though she wasn’t drop dead gorgeous, they are still some beautiful aspects about her. Like her nose which is perfectly pointed and her eyes, those beautiful shades of hazel and her lips. His eyes went to her slightly plumped lips and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching forward and grazing it with his fingertips, yeah, her lips are beautiful too, and they are succulent. He gulped, restraining himself from leaning over and tasting her lips. He doesn’t steal kisses, women willingly give them to him.
Thinking of how Justin had kissed her that night and she had returned, he could only sigh and shake his head, “lucky bastard,” he whispered and turned around from her, leaving the room before he could do anything stupid. Stepping out in the hallway, the wolfsbane scent hit him again and his eyes turned vigilant. He followed the scent and stopped in front of a room. He thought about opening the door but the house was so old and there was every possibility that the door would creak open and so, he closed his eyes and teleported, appearing right inside the room.
A middle-aged man was sleeping soundly on the bed and the wolfsbane scent was reeking out from him, there was no doubt that countless of wolves had died in this man’s hand. He looked tough and there was no how he wouldn’t be strong either. He watched him, he looked so peaceful in his sleep and thinking of how easily he can kill him now, almost made Asher laugh. But he wouldn’t do it, he is always fair in fight and so, if he is to fight the man, it would be in a battleground, with him fully conscious so that he can play all his card tricks.
Without wasting more time, he closed his eyes and teleported into the woods, right where he had left his belongings. Quickly putting on his clothes, he searched for Anita in the mind link and when he got her, he asked where she was before teleporting directly there.
Students turned around at the sound of the engine and everyone gasped seeing the red Lamborghini Revuelto speeding into the property, those who couldn’t believe their eyes stood up, their jaw hitting the ground when the car parked in a very obvious spot. The doors opened and the two new students stepped out with the male on the steering wheel. They dressed modernized today, with the boy in black jeans and white turtleneck and the girl in a short flay gown. They both looked like the teenagers they are now and not like the otherworldly warriors of yesterday. “Cool shit,” a boy screamed before rushing to examine the car. “Damn, don’t tell me that you are really riding this monster,” he looked up at Asher with puppy eyes and it was clear his admiration for Asher at that very moment.
“Wanna go for a ride in it?” Asher asked, holding up the car key.
“Heck yeah!” the boy screamed and took the key from Asher’s hand before jumping into the car and his friend glanced at Asher before getting in beside him and soon, the engine roared to life and they pulled out of the parking sport, whooping as their drove out, circling the school.
“That car is expensive, should you really be letting anyone drive it? What if they scratch it?” Justin asked from the crowd, it was obvious that he was impressed by the car —like, who wouldn’t— but he was trying not to show it.
“I will get another one,” Asher smiled, “money is not a problem,” he winked before he turned to stare at the boys still circling the school and their whooping so loud that they could still hear them despite the roaring of the engine.
Justin scoffed with his hands crossed on his chest, “brag much,” he rolled his eyes, however, he still couldn’t hide his admiration for the car as his eyes went back to the boys riding in it and joining with the rest of the boys wishing they were the ones driving it.
Naomi got to school at that moment and when she saw the clustered students, she wondered if perhaps another new students had shown up? But as she was still trying to see, she met with a pair of midnight blue eyes and her heart constricted in her chest. She was held spell bound by those eyes, if she was thinking she might have seen him somewhere yesterday, then now, she was sure she has seen him somewhere because even her heart recognized him now, not just her mind.
The roaring of an engine close to her broke the spell and she quickly moved aside for a red car to speed past her. Taking note of the car, she frowned, she had never seen that car in their school before, who could possibly be the owner? She was still thinking about that when Shane jumped out of the car and hugged the new guy, Asher. “Oh, thank you, thank you thank you thank you for making my dream come true,” Shane said, his eyes clouding over with tears, “honestly, you are my brother now. Dudes, say hi to my new brother, Asher, right?”
Asher nodded, “yes.”
“Cool,” Shane laughed and handed him the key, “I do hope I can get to drive it one more time.”
Asher smiled softly, “you are welcome to drive it anytime you want.”
“Oh my God,” Shane screamed and hugged him once more. Anita stood by the side, wondering how much longer Asher could put up with the boy hugging him but surprisingly, he didn’t push him away or growled or bit his head off. Nice, she thought.
She could clearly see the other students wishing to be as bold as the boy hugging Asher but for some reason, they just couldn’t. She was laughing in her mind, of course, just because Asher let a boy hug him doesn’t mean others would, she was sure he was the one keeping the others away with his terrifying aura. She glanced around at that moment, and her eyes caught Naomi. “Finally,” she whispered before she jogged to her. “Hi Naomi,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear, “my brother and I are throwing a party tonight, you will come won’t you, as my new BFF,” she giggled, demonstrating the act of a rich teenager.
Hearing her words, everyone turned to Asher immediately, “oh please can we come?” their voices were overlapping as they were all pleading to be invited.
One look at Asher, Anita knew he would lose it any moment now and so she came to the rescue of the unknowing students. “Oh don’t worry, everyone is invited, our house is big enough.”
Hearing her announcement, everyone screamed and jumped while Asher glared at her before asking in the mind link, ‘when did we agree for a party?’
‘Oh come on, you wanted me to invite her to a party, how can it be a party if its going to be just the three of us?’
‘It doesn’t necessarily have to be a party. You could have just invited her as a friend, nothing more. Now I am going to have to deal with a bunch of highschoolers’
‘You brought that upon yourself when you bought that highly conspicuous car, I told you so. Besides, you are already a brother to someone, you can easily be one to all of them.’
‘Don’t push it An,’ he warned and Anita even heard his growling in her mind.
‘Oh calm down, prince Asher, I will keep them busy while you chase your mate, don’t worry.’
‘For the last time, she is not my mate.’
‘Yeah, yeah, let’s wait for the blood moon to confirm. Now shoo, she is talking to me,’ and with that, she directly closed her mind link and Asher could only sulk while glaring at her back. “What did you say? I was thinking of how to arrange the house for the party so I didn’t hear you,” she said to Naomi.
“I’m saying that I can’t come,” Naomi repeated.
“Oh no, why is that?” Anita asked, acting pained immediately.
“I don’t attend school parties.”
“Oh, but you are the only friend I have here. Besides, you don’t have to worry, I will be with you all step of the way. Please come, pretty please?” she blinked her puppy eyes.
“Naomi,” Justin called and walked up to them, “you know your dad won’t let you. I won’t be going either and if you want, I can come over at your place and we can study together.”
Anita glanced at the boy and she was tempted really bad to laugh, however, she knew she can’t indulge in her humor, otherwise, a certain someone would have her head. And speaking of that someone, she turned to see that Asher was glaring at Justin and if looks could kill, the boy would be dead by now. ‘Calm down, lover boy,’ she said in the mind link, ‘let me handle this.’ And to Naomi, she said, “that’s not fair, I consider you as my friend and you will just abandon me? Besides, I heard that you attended a party in the woods last Friday. Isn’t that a school party?”
Naomi bit her lip and glanced at Anita, she didn’t want to go but she also doesn’t want to annoy Anita, the girl has been nothing but good to her and again, her father would kill her if Justin shows up in her house so the best way to avoid that without turning Justin down would be to go to the party. “Fine, I will go,” and she turned to Justin just as Anita was clapping her hands excitedly, “I don’t think it would hurt to go.”
“But you don’t attend school parties,” Justin reminded.
“I did last week, and I enjoyed it,” she smiled, “there is no harm in trying once more, right?”
Justin sighed, “fine, I guess I will go too.”
‘Don’t even try it,’  Anita rushed to say in the mind link when she sensed that Asher was about to uninvite Justin. ‘You got what you wanted, she is coming.’

His Mate: Prince Asher Where stories live. Discover now