Basketball Team

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Miyuki POV

I didn't realize Atsushi missed me that much over the past year. Now he seemed like he didn't want me to miss a single thing.

He told me everything he had planned to do the whole week. He basically let me into his life 24/7.

He didn't hide anything at all. It was cute. I found it amusing how submissive he was being towards me, knowing his violent tendencies and arrogance from Teiko.

I liked it.


"You're joining the team aren't you?" I asked him on our free period. I knew he would even if he left that part out.

It was almost the end of the first week when the clubs were permitted to hold recruitments.

"I want to. But I don't want to..." He replied with a sigh before sinking his chin into his palm.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I want to join. But I don't want to because they're going to force me into practice regularly." He sunk deeper, now with his head rolling down to his elbow.

"This isn't Teiko middle school anymore. You have to do what they say. So join." I scolded. Basketball is his joy, even if he says it isn't, I want him to have it.

"Only because you said so..." He mumbled. He then took a lolli and popped it into his mouth. He never got over his snacking. He still eats all the time.

"How about Yukichin?" He asked me when I was off guard. I was staring at the end of his lolli stick that went up and down as he played with it in his mouth.

"I'm not joining any." I replied.

"You have to join something... Join the basketball team with me. Be our manager." He suggested. "Or join the disciplinary corps. You look like you can get people in line, just like akachin."

"I'll take your suggestions into consideration." I sighed.

If I join the basketball team, I can be with him all the time. I can watch every move he makes. If I join the corps, I'll have fun terrorizing students into changing their ways. Well, whichever has an opening.


That Friday, all the clubs had their own booths lined up out in the courtyard. It was so crowded, I even had second thoughts about going in.

Atsushi and I headed for the basketball club booth right away.

The team noticed him even before he came close. "hey! You're really tall for a freshman, wanna try out for the basketball team?" one of them asked.

"I was just about to..." He joined and will be notified for the schedule of tryouts which he'll surely ace.

"Is the manager post open?" Atsushi asked the senior holding the registration.

The senior shot a glance at me knowing how Atsushi meant me. "I'm sure there will be a spot. Sign right here." He smiled at us. He knew he had to say yes so Atsushi would stay.

Atsushi's calm almost blank face urged me to come and fill it out. He was holding out a pen for me, so I did. It wouldn't hurt right? Besides, managers were always seniors or juniors. Never freshmen.

I went to the disciplinary council as well to ask but they say they're only open for 5'8" and above male students. They made me write my name anyway.


The day of the tryouts, Atsushi wanted me to come but it was a closed event. "But you're our manager.." He assumed I'd get the position so he dragged me in.

He made me sit with his sports bag while they warmed up. I could see the other players talking about Atsushi mainly because of his height.

I looked at him myself. He was a head taller than everybody else. His body was broader as well. I have to say, Atsushi has grown into a man now. He wasn't a kid, nor a teenager, but a full grown man. In his black T-shirt and grey jersey shorts, I could just slightly see the muscles on his legs and triceps bulging.

What made him seem more like a man was his distinct collar bone. The line tracing from his jaw line down his neck was a sure sign of manliness.

The sempais came in and officially started the tryouts. No doubt Atsushi was going to be called.

Atsushi just went with the flow and didn't do anything flashy. He wasn't exerting any effort yet but it was enough to block every shot of the opposing team.

Then, he showed off a little, he did a rebound into a fast break then he left everyone breathless when he dunked that ball into the ring like it was nothing.

"Excuse me, who are you?" A sempai tapped my shoulder.

I looked at him calmly and answered, "I'm Akashi Miyuki, I'm here for the managerial post."

He nodded his head, "oh yeah, the freshman... You see, that's not how it works-"

"I know. Upperclassmen get to have that position. But, I think I'm more than capable for it." I cut him off.

"Let's see, what if we appoint you as assistant manager? Would that be alright?"

Assistant manager? That suggestion of his ticked me off. My head jerked a little.
I pulled on his shirt and looked at him straight in the eye trying to grasp his soul. "no. I don't want to be assistant manager. You're making me the manager." I almost made it sound threatening. "Do you understand now, sempai?"

"H-hai." He stuttered and left.

I breathed, I did it again. I used the emperor eye. I don't know how I awakened it but only Seijuro nii was supposed to have it. I can't even control mine that well. It comes out with my emotions. Anger mostly.


When it was time to call out those who've passed. "Starting line! take a step when your name is called. Murasakibara Atsushi." Then the sempai stopped. That was it? Only him?
"Team A!" the sempai went on.

Atsushi looked at me and I gave him a smile. Congratulating him in getting in.


A/N: let's pretend this is how it happened, how he got into the team. Kay? Love u guys.

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