this is the last straw!

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"and all that stuff's yours?" I pointed to his bag of treats.

"well... You can have some if you like.."

I sighed. I'd hate to hear someone munching while I watch.

We went In the theatre and took our seats. The movie wasn't on until 15 minutes. "have you watched the other Star Wars movies, Atsushi?" I asked him.

"just 2 and 3." he nodded, "you?"

"none. Seijuro just told me the story before..." I replied.

He just nodded with his mouth full of potato chips.

The lights started to die out, "must be starting." he stated the obvious.

We didn't talk during the movie. We were both too busy watching and eating. I didn't even turn to look at him.

|Atsushi POV|

Yukichin was so into the movie that she didn't.even talk to me. She was as attentive as ever.

She looked cute today with her hair like that and her dress. I wouldn't want to see her like this all the time but it's nice once in a while I guess.

I slowly, with ninja stealth, creeped for her hand so I could hold it while we watched. I took her hand casually and enveloped it in time. She caught me and looked at me, puzzled.

"what?" I asked, "we're supposed to make this date as real as possible, right?"

She just stared at me coldly for a long time before returning he attention to the screen.

Her hands were so soft and delicate I might crush them if I squeeze too hard. Compared to mine, hers were small and fragile. I bet she can't even pick up the ball with one hand.

I didn't notice how much I was playing with her hand. I was already holding it in front of my face.

I rubbed my lips on her knuckles and planted a kiss or two. Even just her hand is enough to make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I wanted to sit her on my lap and cuddle.

I leaned over to her and she leaned on my shoulder as well. I rested my head on hers as we watched. I kept her hand in mine and gave it a few kisses as the movie went on. I never wanted to let go.


Then the movie ended just like that. I didn't even pay much attention.

We both stood up and Yukichin looked at me. "come on." she said as she linked arms with me before pulling me out of the theatre.

Seeing her just the way she was, made me happy. I couldn't ask for more. Yukichin will always be the best.

"where do we go next?" she asked me.

"I don't know. Don't you wanna go shopping or something?" I asked.

"hmm... I could." she considered my suggestion, "won't you get bored while I shop?"

"not really. Maybe I can look around while you're at it." I replied.

She agreed. I promised not to go too far from where she was.


Now that I think of how smart and beautiful Yukichin is, maybe she's really just out of my league? I'm just lucky we're from the same middle school.

I don't know if she feels the way I feel when she's with me.

As I walked around, three girls came up to me, "ah-- Murasakibara kun nice to bump into you here." one of them said.

"who're you?" I asked.

"we're from Yosen too! We're huge fans." they seemed happy.

I'd be dead if Yukichin sees me with them.

"thanks for supporting the team. Ja." I tried to walk away.

"but wait! now that it's the weekend maybe you'd like to come with us?"

"come with you where?"

"to the karaoke bar of course~" they held onto me. It wouldn't be nice if I use force on girls.

"no thanks. I've got some other things to do." I refused.

|Miyuki POV|

I wondered where Atsushi was because I was already done picking out a new blouse. He couldn't have gone far, it hasn't been that long...

As I walked around to find him, I saw his tall body being mobbed by some girls too far for me to see who they were.

So I approached them. "Atsushi." I called his attention. Immediately he turned around to look at me like he was in some kind of trouble.

"what's going on?" I asked looking at each one of the girls. I knew them by their faces. They were 2nd year students at our school.

"we were just inviting Murasakibara to hang out." one of them answered with a smug face.

"eto, Yukichin, I already said no...." Atsushi explained.

"he already said no. So why are you still here?" I asked them. This is the last straw! This always keeps on happening..

"you're no fun!" one squeaked.

"fine!" another said.

"we'll be going then." they excused themselves and went away.

I sighed.

"Yukichin it wasn't my fault. Really. You gotta believe me..." Atsushi said.

I closed my eyes to cool down for a bit. I really don't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should just stay away from Atsushi. Nothing from him ever does me any good anyway...

"I wasn't the one who talked to them--" he continued. I raised a hand and told him to stop.

"let's go home." I said. Atsushi frowned but he couldn't go against my wishes so he said nothing.

"let me walk you home." he insisted.

I didn't say anything. I think I'll explode if I talk to him right now.

Was I jealous? Or was I just really annoyed with girls who throw themselves at men?

We walked out the mall, silently, not even looking at each other.

The streets sounded like a drowned buzz behind all my thoughts and me trying to kill away these feelings that are constricting my chest. I needed to breathe.

Not long, we reached my street. The steep hill climb just doubled my strain.

"yukichiiiin~~" he groaned, "I'm sorry!"

"please forgive me.." he sobbed so more but I still planned on ignoring him.

"it wasn't my fault..." Poor Atsushi.

"you know I'd never go with any other girl..." he sounded so sincere but what he said was different from what I keep on seeing.

"please... Yukichin is the only one I want.. From middle school until now it has always been you." he breathed. We were already at my apartment's gate.

He annoys me so bad. My blood pressure started to rise. I couldn't contain it anymore!

I had to---


Merry Christmas you guys!
Thanks for staying with me and reading this through!
Let me end my update with this cliffhanger. Haha.

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