a plan to shake em off

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Miyuki POV

that Friday, during our dual game, some students skipped just to support the team. Because I saw some kids carrying Yosen banners around.

"do your best Atsushi." I said before he went to the court.

"nah. I don't even wanna play..." he frowned. Well, he didn't need to do his best anyway. Himuro's skills were enough to get us to the finals.

We were still far from games that needed to be taken seriously anyway.

Point after point after point. Himuro was doing quite well all by himself. While Atsushi just stood under the court and didn't run with everyone else.

"coach, sub me." Atsushi requested as he sat down beside me and dark some water. He didn't even wait for coach to answer.

Coach let a bench player come in for the meantime. The score was far anyway.

"stop slacking off..." I sighed.

"I'm not. I'll just let murochin handle this one." he replied.


"Murasakibara kun!" some girls approached us as we waited outside the stadium after winning to games.

"you were so great! Can I take a picture with you?" one said.

"yeah! Congratulations on your win Murasakibara kun!" another said.

As they all talked at once, Atsushi seemed confused.

"eto.... Do I know you?" he asked the girls.

I almost laughed.

They all stated their names and year levels for him.

"Yukichin help." he looked at me.

"hey, you're on your own." I tried to walk away but he followed followed by the newly former fans club.

"murakun, you too?" Himuro said As he walked towards us with the same problem.


"jeez you two, talk to your fans... Its the least you could do for these ladies who skipped school to watch you " I smirked.

"I guess.." Himuro said.

They talked to the girls like I said. It was funny how even if they were talking to The girls, Himuro and Atsushi were totally indifferent.

I felt kind of special, because I can talk to them any time I want. But I did feel a little annoyed by these girls. Why do they even bother throwing themselves at these guys?

"Atsushi, Himuro, let's go" I called them when I saw the others heading out.

They quickly escaped and came to my side.

They all stared as we walked together. Some were even whispering for some reason. And some were even squealing from afar.

"I don't get them." I complained.

"get what?" Atsushi asked.

"get why they're all staring at you"

"coz I'm with you. They think we're dating." he replied. I punched his side.

"this is the worst. I feel like I'm hanging out with Himuro all the time." I grumbled.

"yeah... Don't be mad Yukichin but... I received two confession letters in my locker yesterday..." he told me with a lazy manner.

I bit my lip and said nothing.

"are you jealous?

"of course not! Don't flatter yourself."

"well.. Do you want them to stop?"


"then... Let's go on a date Yukichin." he proposed in such dull voice.

My blood was rushing up to my hot cheeks.

"fine." I agreed. Not for the purpose of only making the girls go away but just because I haven't been out for a while now.


Atsushi and I were going to meet each other in a cafe that Saturday afternoon. I waited in a nice pink dress and a cardigan with my hair in a side braid. It wasn't our first date but I should dress up once in a while... I already ordered a medium latte because I know Atsushi would be late as usual.

Earlier, We talked about what would we be doing today on our date. We are gonna watch a movie and walk around the mall just so some of our schoolmates would see us. This was just all for show.

The bells on the door rang as a new customer came in. I didn't bother to look.
"you didn't get me anything?" the giant complained as he sat beside me. He was in cute white shirt with a little plaid chest pocket a hoodie and his hair was tied at the back.

"I thought you'd take longer..." I reasoned out, "but now that you're here, do you want anything?" I asked.

"hmm.. I'll just order for myself. Wait for me, okay?" he stood up and went to the counter. I stared at his back for a very long time.

He's so big like a bear... He towered over the cashier and other baristas. I must look as short as a midget when we walk together.

He came back with a strawberry frappe in hand. "You look extra nice today, Yukichin." he just noticed what I was wearing I guess.

"thank you." I smiled a little.

He frowned, "all the guys are gonna look at you."

"no they're not." I sighed, "they'd think twice when I'm with you."

He still grumbled. "why'd you have to be so cute?" he asked in the most serious tone. I didn't know how to react...

"speak for yourself,  you're the one who gets confessions.." I rolled my eyes. We wouldn't be in this situation of it weren't for all those girls who started to like him.

"what movie do you wanna watch later?" he changed the subject.

"I don't know. I thought you already chose a movie?" I asked him.

"hmm.. I wanted to watch Star Wars but maybe you wanted to watch a chic flick... I dunno..." he trailed off.

"why, would you watch a chic flick with me?" I chuckled.

"I guess..."

" I don't want you sleeping through a movie. We'll watch Star Wars." I nodded.

"really? Very good~" he smiled.


After finishing our frappes, we went to the movie house to watch a movie.

Atsushi made me buy the tickets while he bought his snacks. "you want anything Yukichin?"

"cheese popcorn and a slushy"

I looked around and I don't think there were any kids from school. this plan wasn't doing is any good.

He came back with a huge bag full of food. "oh and here's your popcorn." he gave me a large bucket full of cheese flavored popcorn which he tuck under his arm because he couldn't hold onto it.

A/N: I've decided to put pictures of what Miyuki's clothes would like just cause. (I'm lazy)

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