forbidden street ball 2

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But after our lunch together, Kise had other things scheduled. So we couldn't hangout more. It was alright, we sat there for three hours anyway.

"It was nice seeing you again, Yukicchi." He smoothed his hand on my cheek, "maybe next time we see each other, you'll grow more pretty and I won't recognize you anymore."

"You'll probably be a top star by then. You'll probably forget about me." I chuckled.

"I doubt that." he clasped both of my hands in between his, "I can never forget a girl like you!"

Kise is always so dramatic...

We separated ways.

It was nice seeing an old friend. I don't know how he knew I was back from Korea or how he got in contact with me. I never told anybody about those information...

But it was nice; the feeling that someone found out I was here. I mean,  he took time to check on me.

I remembered to look at my phone. I had several messages from Atsushi. Himuro told me earlier they'd be at the ball park so I might as well drop by. They still might be there.


When I got to the ball park, I looked for Atsushi and Himuro but unfortunately it began to rain.

I went to take shelter by the tents that were set up for the players.

"long time no see, Akashi chan." a familiar voice whispered behind me. I quickly turned around and saw an old friend.  I knew it was him but he still caught me by surprise.

"I knew it was you. It's so good to see you. How have you been?" he smiled at me. He looked so grown up! But pretty much we were at the same height.

"It's nice to see you too Kuroko." I smiled genuinely, "I've been great. You?"

"Hey kuroko! introduce us to your friend!" a rugged looking boy shouted with a sneer on his face. He seemed untamed for some reason.

"Um!" he nodded at his friend, "this is Akashi chan. We were schoolmates in Teiko." Kuroko said.

"This is Kagami kun, our ace," he said pointing at the rowdy looking fellow. He sort of felt like Aomine in some way. His hair was a little close to mine in terms of color, like burgundy? and his facial features weren't that bad either.

"and Kiyoshi san, our center." He now introduced the other guy. Judging by his sitting height, he was quite tall. His face was calm and meek when he smiled at me. His smile was so honest for some reason like I could trust him 100%. I was bothered but at the same time flustered.

"They're my new teammates at Seirin. Our other members went to eat. They'll be back in a while. I wish you could meet them."

"Maybe I can meet them next time. I have plans today so I can't stick around." I smiled. "Nice to meet you both. I'm Akashi Miyuki." I smiled and bowed to Kuroko's friends.

"Nice to meet you too!" They said.

"So you're still playing huh." I smiled at Kuroko.

"Of course. You know how much I love basketball." He smiled gently.

by the looks of it, Kuroko and his teammates were in the middle of a game when it rained. They were wet from top to toe.

"You guys already played?" obviously. I don't know why I asked.

"Yeah. We played against Murasakibara kun and Kagami kun's friend. Turns out, they were teammates at school too." Kuroko reported.

"Oh you mean Himuro? You're his friend??" I asked the guy behind Kuroko. They seem to be opposites... But Himuro has told us about a friend of his who was good at playing basketball, maybe he was referring to this guy?

"Yeah. You know him?" the Kagami kid replied.

"Yeah. Actually he's the one who invited me to come." I answered.

"How do you know him, Akashi chan? through Murasakibara kun?" kuroko asked.

"yes! We're all schoolmates." I answered,  "and I'm currently the manager of the basketball team."

"So, You're from Yosen too?" Kiyoshi seemed a bit surprised and disappointed for some reason. His expressions were pretty easy to read from his eyes and eyebrows.

"Yes I am." I smiled at him.

"So you and Murasakibara kun ended up in the same school? wow. Talk about coincidence." Kuroko said.

It was no coincidence, believe me. I half smiled.

"yeah. do you know where they are now?" I asked.

"I'm sure they're still here. I'm just not sure where, Akashi chan. Sorry. It rained and we all took to different directions. " Kuroko said.

"it's alright. I better go find them. It was nice seeing you again, Kuroko." I bowed.

"Wait, before you go, can I have your number?" Kuroko took his phone out.

"Of course." I took his phone and saved my number. I didn't want to be impolite and refuse in front of his new friends..

"Ja ne. call me if you need anything." I waved goodbye.

"I will. Ja."


I finally found Himuro and Atsushi on a bench near the commentator's table. They were quite wet as well.

"I've been looking all over for you two." I said.

"Miyuki chan, you came!" Himuro smiled.

"I had nothing else to do anyway." I shrugged as I say beside them.

Atsushi looked sulky. He didn't even greet me. "I brought you some Gatorade." I bribed.

He still wasn't looking at me. "A blue one for Himuro and a pink one for Atsushi." Pink was his favorite.

He took it. "Thanks" Himuro said.

"How was your game? why does Atsushi look like he lost?" I asked.

"Because you weren't returning his texts and calls." Himuro teased.

"Well I'm here now." I looked at Atsushi.

"Why did you and Ryochin take so long?" he sulked.

"It's the first time we've seen each other. We had to catch up." I explained.

"I don't care." He growled.

"Then fine." I snapped, "I'll be going." I put my bag on my shoulder and stood up.

"No. stay." Atsushi grabbed me by my skirt and made me sit.

"Your friend is crazy, Himuro."

He laughed, "Murasaki kun, we'll buy you snacks if you stop sulking." He bribed.

"Fine. But just 'coz I'm hungry right now and because you did me wrong." He was so stubborn.

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