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Miyuki POV

Seijuro nii has always been playing basketball since I got here.

From morning 'til evening. He'd be holding a ball.

He keeps on practicing and practicing. He's always deep in thought seemingly calculating every shot he'll make.

He doesn't need to improve anything in my opinion. He hungered for victory so much that the only opponent he really had to face was himself. He needs to recollect and realize why he's playing.

But Who was I to question him? He just wants to win like he's used to.

He has never known how to lose. I on the other hand, tasted defeat a while back. I was defeated in a Tekken match by a titan. that was the first time I've ever really lost.

But then, always being second best to my brother isn't considered winning
either, is it?


"Don't you get tired, brother?" I intruded his one-on-one time with the basketball ring. I leaned on the door frame with my arms crossed.

"Tired of what, Miyuki?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"...Tired of perfecting what is already perfect. You still keep on practicing."

"It's because..." he thought about it first, he was unsure for some reason, but a sinister look on his face unveiled, "it's because I want to defeat my former teammates in their full potentials. I want to emerge as the true winner. I am absolute." He almost sounded grim that it sent chills running down my spine.

His way of thinking was distorted somehow. I remember how he loved being with his friends from Teiko. But now, he sounded like he wanted to kill each one.

I believe... he once cared.

"I love it that you're devoted and all but it's summer vacation. You should take it easy, brother." I sighed.

"No one takes it easy when one is at war."

"But you're not! I know they're not trying as hard as you. Can't you handle them in that state already?" I snapped.

"Do not question me." He stepped up and towered over me. I shrunk in my own skin, "No one can hinder me from my victory."

My knees grew weak in front of him. I couldn't bear to stand up. I was at the mercy of the door post behind me. All my courage and strength were drained.

I don't know who he is anymore.


I asked Atsushi if we could hangout and he gladly obliged. I just needed to talk to someone else.

I arrived at our meeting place before he did. I was wearing a dark blue shirt dress and some red chucks. Because it was so much warmer here in Tokyo than in Akita.

Then I saw him from a distance. How could I miss him? he's so tall. He wore a grey shirt and some jeans. He didn't see me right away like I did. But we were to meet by the fountain so he knew where I was.

"Ohayo, Yukichin." he greeted.

"Ohayo." i replied.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to get out of the house. It's been stuffy."

"Oh. Is your brother home? how is he?"

"He's fine. In fact, he's practicing basketball everyday."

"Everyday? wow..." he sounded bored.

"And he's gonna go back to Kyoto for his training camp soon." I nodded.

"Good thing we don't have training camp..." he sighed.

"You're so lazy." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a beast even without practicing." He shrugged modestly. I couldn't help chuckle.

"Have you met with Himuro?" I asked.

"Why, have you?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"No. I thought you two were gonna hangout?"

"We did. He came over my house and I came over his."

"How come you've never invited me to your house?" I felt jealous because I've never been there.

"Do you wanna go now?" he asked.

"I guess. We don't have anything better to do anyway. Ask Himuro to come over too."

"Um no."

"Why not?"

"Because it's our date." It slipped from his own mouth.

"What date?"

"I meant day. Not date." he growled looking away.

"Is this a date?"

"No we're just hanging out!" He was obviously flustered with his error.

"But isn't the definition for date just like this? boy and girl together?"

"Ugh. No. Next time, I'll take you on a real date Yukichin." He dared. He looked me from the corner of his eye

"When?" I didn't want to sound like I was looking forward to it but I did.

"I'll figure that part out."


He got me to ride a bus with him to his neighborhood. I felt a little tensed to meet his family.

He brought me to a suburban house and opened the door for me. "Not anything like your mansion huh." He said.

"I wish our house was like this..." I breathed. It was warm and lively. I could hear the voices of his siblings who were watching tv.

"Is mom home?" he asked walking up to the living area, peeking in. He motioned me to come.

"I have a guest you guys." he told two older looking guys. They both stopped and stared at me with frozen smiles on their faces.

One had messed up long hair just like Atsushi and the other one had his hair ponytailed at the top of his head. He kinda looked like an island with a single palm tree to me.

"Your girlfriend, Sushi?" the one with island hair asked.

"What's her name?" the other followed up.

"She's not my girlfriend!" he shook both his hands, "her name is Akashi Miyuki. She's my classmate."

"Oh.. nice to meet you!" The one with messy hair said.

"Yukichin, this is Akira and that's Azuma.

"Yukichin...?" one looked at the other with grins on their faces, "the same Yukichin from your Middle school, Sushi?" they sounded like they were on to something.

"It's her!"

We just stared at them.

"Yukichin... Yukichin... I like you... aah..." Akira, the one with messy hair said like he was reenacting something.

"Yukichin... Please... buy me ice cream." Azuma added another.

They both laughed loudly.

"Stop it!" Atsushi growled as he grew red. "Come on, Yukichin." He pulled me away and up the stairs.


A/N: sorry for not updating for so long. I had my finals and all my reports to finish.. Ugh.. Just a few more to go!

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