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"So Miyuki chan," Himuro sat with me during lunch, "what do you really think about Atsushi?" he asked.

Atsushi wasn't here since he was taking his tests he postponed last time.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well... I know about you two..." he made me tense.

"Huh?" did he see us? O.O

"You know..." my heart was just about to stop. "that you guys were really close during middle school." He said.

I felt like i just rose up from under the pool for five minutes.

"So you guys are really just friends?" he looked at me intently waiting for an answer.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"really?" he pressed on.

"yes." I lied.

We weren't officially together either anyway.

"How would you feel if Atsushi suddenly gets a girlfriend?" he asked me, carefully looking at my expressions.

Truth is...

I haven't thought about that.

Yes, how would I feel?

"As long as he's happy." i replied vaguely.

"I know Atsushi will go crazy if you started dating some guy." he teased.

"I doubt that." I smiled.

"seriously! He'll probably massacre that lucky guy." he joked.

I looked away from him. Hoping he'd change the topic.

"Kidding aside, you really don't like anyone?" he asked in all seriousness.

"No... does he?"

"Not that I know of." He thought, "but you know him, he either says weird things or say nothing at all."

"How about you Himuro? haven't you chosen from your admirers yet?" I returned the question.

"No. nobody stands out." he shook his head.

"What type are you looking for anyway?"

"Well, to be honest, I'd like someone like you." he smiled, "intelligent, beautiful, kind, reliable, but smiles more than you do. i rarely see you smile Miyuki chan." He said.

"yes. Well, good luck with that. You only got a year and a half left." I replied.

"Dating isn't one of my priorities anyway. And what's your type Miyuki, someone tall?" He asked with a teasing grin.

"I haven't thought about that yet." i replied, "Just someone my brother will approve of."

"You think he'll approve of me?" he asked jokingly.

"If you cut your bangs...maybe." I teased.

He laughed.

"Is it nice? getting girls to confess?" i asked, curious.

"It's nice but declining them is the hard part." He said, "some are okay with it, some cry, some are persistent..." he sighed.

"poor you." some sarcasm there.

"Hasn't anyone confessed to you yet?" he wondered. Blood started to rush to my cheeks. I couldn't answer.

"no? D'aww.. I bet Atsushi just scares your suitors away. that's why." He laughed.

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