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 a/n: have fun! Because relationships are boring. Haha.

Atsushi POV

Yukichin invited me to her apartment that weekend. She said that my grades were falling behind and that I had to study for the exams because I won't have time when we train for the quarter finals.

I rang her doorbell. "just a minute!" she said through her receiver.

She opened her door and stepped aside to welcome me in.

"Yukichin!" I missed her so much that I scooped her up and hugged her.

"put me down Atsushi." she growled. She did not like it one bit, "you're late. You're supposed to be here by 10." she scolded me.

"I stopped by and got you some cake slices." I lifted up the cake box to show her.

"I got you all of the best flavors. Chocolate mousse,  strawberry glazed,  and mango peaches." I tried to remember the names while looking at them from the cute little see-through part of the box shaped like a bear.

"well, thank you Atsushi. But time is more important." she said as she took the box from me and put it down on the kitchen counter. "I suppose we should eat lunch first?" she sighed before looking at me.

"you know I'm fine with that Yukichin~" I grinned.

"would fried chicken be alright?"

"uh... Yeah. Are you gonna cook for me, Yukichin?"


"then,  can you make it creamy chicken curry instead?" I requested. the last time I've tasted her food was from back in middle school. I'm hoping she has improved.

She just looked at me sternly for a while, "I'll see what I can do."

"you know how to right?" I asked. 

"I'll try." she shrugged as she looked at her fridge.


"one more round and were at the quarter finals huh." I said as she finished up her cooking. It was starting to smell nice. I knew Yukichin could do it. She probably learned from the best anyway. I probably was drooling by now.

"yeah. This will be easy." I replied.

She turned around and looked at me as if studying me again.

"aren't you a little bit worried?" she asked.

"worried about what?"

"worried about meeting your old teammates again.." she said, "you were lucky none of you met on the court yet. Considering you bailing out when you competed against Rakuzan." I knew it. She was going bring it up.

"I'm not worried at all Yukichin. Out of all the members of Teiko's team, I'm the best." I brushed her off. Does she think lightly of me?

"you better be serious about these next games, Atsushi." she said while she plated the food and served it to me, "I've watched their games on tape and I can say that the have really improved."

"I know." I smiled. I didn't need her racking my nerves. Why can't she say that I've improved too? :c

I watched her sit down in front of me. Gosh my girlfriend is so pretty. Her eyes were so bright and her lips are so cute and plump. I have to contain myself. Really.

I took a bite of her chicken with cream sauce. "this is delicious Yukichin!" it really was. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. I have to marry her right away! (๑´ڡ'๑)♡

"of course. I'd never serve you anything sub par. I know how picky you are." she smirked.


Miyuki pov

While I had Atsushi busy with reading some of our science materials, my mind was still on the quarter finals. Coach told me that it would likely be the old Teiko members meeting for the semis.

"what's wrong?" his arm wrapped around my waist.

"nothing. I'm just thinking about how I have to manage my time." I sighed, " so back to studying, do you understand radioactivity?"

"yeah, I guess." he nodded as he pulled me closer.  So close that he already sat me on his lap. He then placed his chin on my shoulder so he could see what I was teaching him.

"explain beta decay." I asked.

"when a neutron in the nucleus splits into a proton and an electron" he said lazily.

"uh huh. And is bending a physical change?"


"oxidation? "

"chemical." he answered in then same lazy tone.

"good job Atsushi." I smiled and leaned closer to him. 

"science is a piece of cake. Specially when your next to me Yukichin~" he whispered in my ear. 

"too bad we can't be like this during the exams." I rolled my eyes. "maybe we should invite Himuro kun over." I suggested. Maybe he wanted some company. I don't know if he finds studying with me boring..

"what help would he be. He's not in our year." he scowled at me.

"I don't want his help.  I just want to keep you in check." i know what's up, Atsushi.

"in check with what?"

"in check with your hormones. I don't know. Just no funny stuff!  Alright?" I tried to get away from him but he didn't let me.

"I wasn't planning anything funny." he hugged me some more.

His warmth was very comforting. He was so big that he felt like a huge bed. Seriously. No one else gets to experience things like this.

I looked at him,  "do your best on the test after the winter cup finals."


"do your best in the winter cup too."

"um." he nodded again.

"and no more junk food until Christmas break."

"um." he nodded,  "wait what??"

"I said no junk food." I repeated myself.

"why? We'll win anyway.."

"I don't care. Just no junk food. No chips, no sweets." I stood my ground.

"why are you doing this to me again Yukichin? Why are you making my life so hard..." he whined.

"because they're not good for an athlete like you." I said, but he still looked so down,  "and because I care about you Atsushi. And your health."

He was blushing but he still wanted to sulk. 

"yeah but. I want to eat my chips."


I was having fun teasing him.

"let's make a deal." he suddenly looked like he had the most cunning idea.

I tilted my head waiting for him to tell me.

"instead of junk food,  you have to kiss me every time I want some." he grinned.

"which means all the time!" this was an absurd idea.

"yup pretty much~"

"I refuse."

"oh come on!" he whined, "how about five kisses in school and five outside?" he bargained.

"what?? There will be more outside school?" I don't think he's thinking about the people around us.

"how about three inside and three outside?"

"Atsushi..." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"then I also refuse to stop eating sweets."

I don't know who's more stubborn. I looked at him in the eye.

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