We Could Have

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Yukichin was so busy last-minute studying for our exams that she rarely talked to me during the exam week.

I hung out with Murochin instead.

"Where's Miyuki chan?" he asked me.

"Studying..." I replied.

"I see. It's so rare to see you two apart. I thought something was wrong." He said.

"Nope. She's just studying. She's good at that kind of stuff." I replied.

"Mind me asking, Atsushi, aren't you two too close?" he said. I didn't get what he meant.

"'Coz we came from the same middle school..." obviously.

"You don't have any past or anything? honestly." he asked.

A past? well...

We could've had one.

"No. We don't. We're just friends. She's Akashi's sister. You know, our team captain I was telling you about?" I answered instead.

"Oh. so... is that why you two fought that one-on-one? because you and his his sister...?" Muro-chin trailed off.

"Murochin your head's full of nonsense." I scolded. But my duel with Akachin was really partly because of Yukichin too. He didn't like it when he found out that I had feelings for Yukichin.

He chuckled, "hmm then, if you don't like her that way, maybe I-" he started to bring up an idea I didn't like.

"Maybe you what, Murochin?" I raised an eyebrow at him with a grim stare.

He just laughed at me.


Miyuki POV

The exams were fairly easy. The reviewer I made for Atsushi should've gotten him 90% of the test questions.

Well it was all over now.

Fukui and Wei were already warming up when I came in. I sat down at my usual spot and tapped on my phone. A little while, captain came in, then Atsushi and Himuro.

I watched Atsushi put his bag on the side and walk over into the middle of the court. He looked at me and waved his big hand. Then Himuro came jogging towards me with a smile. "Hi, Miyuki chan."

"Hi, Himuro. Having a good day?" I greeted.

"Sure am." He grinned at me.

"Let me guess, a bunch of girls gave you confessions?" sarcasm.

"Meh. Don't care about those. How'd you do on your exams? I heard you helped Atsushi out."

"Yeah. I gave him some notes for the exams. I just knew he wouldn't study seriously." I sighed.

"Gee... how I wish we were classmates, so you could've made me one as well." he grinned again.

"well, I could make you one next time if you'd like." I stared at him, a little skeptical.

"Hey Murochin. Why are you bothering Yukichin?!" Atsushi towered over us both while glaring at Himuro.

"Not at all. Just talking to our lovely manager~" he hummed teasingly, "let's talk later, Miyuki chan."

Himuro left.

"What did you two talk about?" Atsushi questioned me.

"We talked about you. Now go warm up." I growled.

"I don't need to. It's just practice." He sat on the floor next to me.

I didn't mind him for a while because I was reading their sports stats.

His head suddenly gently fell on my lap. He stayed there for quite a while.

"Atsushi, when coach Araki sees you there, you're dead." I warned him. He sat on the floor while I was on a chair.

"Just a sec. I'm tired." He faked a yawn. He was just lazy.

I fought the urge to touch his soft silky hair while it was on my lap. I wanted to run my fingers through it. Atsushi's hair is so long I want to tie it all up into a ponytail.

"How was the exams?"

"Hmm.. so so." He replied.

"What do you mean so so? How did you do?"

"I did fine. I'll pass." he replied.

"You didn't use the reviewer I gave you?" I asked.

"Of course I did. I just didn't remember everything on it..."

"Okay, we'll see. Now get off. Coach is here." I pushed him off of my lap.

He stood up, "don't talk to Muro chin when I'm not around okay?" he said before running to the others.

I watched him the whole time. He's lazy but he's up when he's in the court.

I filled their water jugs and held on to Atsushi's so I can give it to him personally when they come over.

"Here you go." I gave Atsushi his water. "Thanks." he panted.

"Miyuki chan, where's mine?" Himuro asked me. I looked at him, "oh, here. This one's your right?" I said as I picked up a water bottle in the bunch beside me and gave it to him.

"Yup. Thanks, Miyuki chan." his voice seemed low and seducing. Maybe he was just used to using that voice to girls I didn't mind but Atsushi was glaring, shooting fireballs at his friend.

What's with these two?

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