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|Miyuki POV|

I was lying down on my bed, curled up and with my stomach tumbling around with butterflies.

Atsushi... Why did he do that?

and why didn't I stop him? I don't think I can act like I'm fine with it everyday just like on the way home just a while ago.

I don't think I can even talk to him so easily anymore.

I know Atushi has feelings for me back in middle school but that should be done by now....

It should be long gone!

Now that I think about it, back in summer, we watched the fireworks together... and he called it a date when I was only with him because his mother insisted.

He's obviously getting the wrong idea.

Where did he get the courage to make advances on me like that?

Atushi's stepping out of place.

I am so irritated!!


his warmth was never like before. it was different.

my heart is beating profusely while I think about what happened. I think I want to regret coming to the game after all but there's something inside me saying that I did the right thing.

I don't know if I should be happy or mad about this.

Atushi... I can't believe you.

You're ruining my composure.


Atsushi POV

(when he got home)

My feelings for Yukichin never changed... From the moment I laid my eyes on her when she came to Yosen, I knew.

I knew I still liked her.

She made my heart skip a beat back then when I saw her again after a year. After that, I never let her out of my sight.

I was glad that I had her back.

but I can't believe I kissed her. was I that happy she cared about me?

I know she cares about me... she feeds me all the time so she cares...

She tried her best to come to the game. She went there as soon as she could. Even if it was at the fourth quarter, Akita to Tokyo was no joke. She must've been so tired. I bet she's already asleep right now. unlike me who's thinking about what I did.

I wish I can do it again.


The next day, I slept in and arrived to class late. i arrived just after the first period.

Everybody stared at me. "Congratulations Murasakibara kun." Manase, our class vice president, greeted me with a smile.

"Thanks." I bowed a little before walking to my seat.

Yukichin's sharp glare stared me down. Did I do something wrong?

"Did you do your homework?" she questioned me.

"No..." i shook my head.

"Then do it. Here." she gave me hers and avoided looking at me.

I guess she's not mad right?


"yukichin!" I called after her as she walked out the room with big strides. "yukichin!"

"what?" she replied as I caught up to her.

"talk to me."

"what are we doing right now Atushi?" she sassed.

"Can we eat out after practice?" I asked. I thought about asking this all night.

"I don't want to." she snapped.

"Are you mad?" I asked to make sure because girls are hard to understand.

"Why would I be?" She said coldly.

"You know, because... last night." i hinted.

"please Atushi, just... Just forget about it." she held her temple.

"I want to but I can't stop thinking about it." I whispered to her.

Miyuki POV

Atsushi made one of my veins pop up. I want to get angry but I think I feel the same.

It was nice but now I have all this feelings unknown to me whether they're good or bad. I don't know how to react to them so I'm suppressing these feelings inside of me right now.

I feel like I want to hold onto his arm, like I want to smell his scent, like I want to embrace him again and feel his warmth... Like..

...I... just want Atsushi all to myself.

I looked up to see his face but my eyes keep on focusing on his lips. "what?" he asked me.

"okay, let's eat after school. you're paying." I finally agreed.


When class finished, we both headed to the gym for practice. Everyone was lively because of the good game last night. normally Atsushi and I would get to the gym early but this time it was awkward, so it took a little longer.

He offered to carry my things. I tried to refuse but he was persistent on it. He even slowed down his pace to match mine rather than me, keeping up with him.


Honestly I waited for practice to end so I could eat out with Atsushi.

When practice was finished, I grabbed my bag and gave Atsushi a towel. "let's go." I led the way out.

"can we go to pizza hut? I want to eat pizza..." He said.

I gave a nod.

as we walked together quietly down the street, there was a motorcycle speeding our way. Its sound roared through the air. I got out of the way just in time.  out of my reaction, I was already holding onto his arm.

he didn't think much of it as I let go. "you okay?" he asked me.

"yeah." I brushed myself.

"let's exchange places, there might be more motorcycles along the way." he pulled me aside to exchange places with me.

It was already a little after sunset maybe that's why the crazy people are coming out all of a sudden.

"you can hold onto me again if you want you know." he offered.

stupid giant.

I don't want to hold onto your arm...

but just to be safe...

I took his arm again and linked it with mine.

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