Before the Exams

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Atsushi POV

The exams were next week and I haven't studied a lot yet. I keep on falling asleep! it's not my fault... I get tired...

No worries, Yukichin made me a three page reviewer. It should be helpful. I knew she wouldn't let me fail.

I looked at her and she was still eager to listen to all that sensei had to say. She never slouched, nor did her head touch her desk. She's cute when she's attentive.


"Atsushi, let's go to the gym. I have to finish my tasks." She called me. Of course I came with her.

"What're you gonna do in the gym?" I asked her. Poor Yukichin, being ordered around. She usually doesn't like that... It's all my fault. I asked her to be the manager.

"I just have to get the uniforms and bring them to the washer." she replied.

We went to the gym and unlocked it. The sound of the door echoed as we closed it behind us. We were alone and the lights were closed. The stale air felt weird. Yukichin opened the lights and the gym still looked a little creepy with only us.

She led the way to the locker room annexed to the gym. she opened the lockers one by one and took the jerseys she could find.

Sometimes Yukichin had to stoop down or reach up top. That's when I noticed her skirt was short.

In front of me, while she was crouching down on all fours, i could already see the lining of her panties hugging her thighs. I tried not to stare.

"Yukichin, do you need help?" I asked so she'd stand up and end the torture.

"No. I can do this." She replied.

"Well... Can you do it in another position? I can see London." I hinted, "and it's red." She quickly put both her hands on the back of her skirt.

"You were looking!?" she shouted. Her face started to look like a strawberry.

"I wasn't! It was just showing. You should thank me that I told you..." I sulked, "it's coz your skirt is too short, Yukichin. I don't want anyone else seeing London or France... Get a longer skirt." I scolded her.

She stood up and faced me. She looked into my eyes with an evil glare.

"How could you." She seemed so hurt. I just stared at her. She can't get mad at me for warning her. She raised her sweater and revealed that she actually had her skirt folded up at the waist. She brought it back to the original length.

"Why do you even do that? Your fat thighs'll show..." I mumbled the last part. I got pretty annoyed because Maybe she was doing it to look good for boys.

"You're the one who told me my legs were nice back in middle school! If you didn't know, this is a trend in Korea." She seemed pretty annoyed with me.

"I know I told you that. But don't show them to everybody..." I sighed.

She shouldn't. I won't forgive anyone who'll look at her thighs and legs. I'll crush very single person that does

It was pretty awkward.

Nobody spoke.

"Are those all? let me carry them for you." I took the basket full of basketball uniforms from her.

"Let's go." She led the way to the washers.

After that, Yukichin avoided eye contact with me the whole day.


At home, I couldn't forget how Yukichin's face turned red when I hinted her about her panties showing.

It was my first time seeing Yukichin like that. She's always calm ever since middle school.

Well... We were never in that kind of situation before tho.

Seeing her pinked up face over and over inside my head made me imagine her in a different way. I couldn't help blushing myself.

I felt kind of weird...

I might dream about her again..

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