Settling In

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Days went by and Atsushi seemed to like playing with the new team. Of course I had to be there for him. Especially now that the InterHigh was starting.

I was made manager of the basketball team just like how I wanted. But the work that came with it was hard. I had to keep track of points, shooting records, lap times and all those concerning their training. That was the part that I liked because I was used to keeping records anyway. The part I wasn't told about was, me doing their laundry. I saw Momoi do it before but I thought she just had to get them. I didn't know I had to wash them too.

"Yukichin, you know Murochin right?" Atsushi and his new friend sat beside me during a water break.

"Murochin?" i was pretty sure that wasn't his name but I played along. "Yes. He's quite good. I'm Akashi Miyuki,the new team Manager." I introduced myself.

"Thanks. I'm Himuro Tatsuya, nice to meet you, manager." He nodded. His bangs bounced slightly. Doesn't it get in the way while playing? But Who was I to judge when Atsushi's hair was longer than his.

"We've been together since middleschool, Murochin." Atsushi told him, a little proud.

"Is that so? I'm happy for you." He nodded in appreciation.

"Don't misunderstand, Himuro, we've been together as friends since middle school." I cleared up atsushi's confusing use of terms.

"He's from america, Yukichin." Atsushi told me instead of adding to the previous conversation.

"Really? Maybe that's why your plays are a little different than what I'm used to seeing" I nodded.

"Yeah? Thanks! I practically grew up there. I stayed there for at least 10 years then we decided to come back." He nodded.

"Wow. So are you used to living here yet?"

"I'm getting used to it." he shrugged.

"I'm teaching him how to." Atsushi took credit.

Himuro smiled acceptingly, "yes, Murasaki kun and I love basketball, that's why we connect."

I hid my laughter with a smile. "I don't love basketball. I'm just really good at it." Atsushi sassed.

"We know, Atsushi. You're a genius." i nodded.

Atsushi and Himuro were inseparable. Atsushi's world revolved around basketball again. It made life easier. At least he didn't have the urge to cling on to me that much.


During lunch, Atsushi and I sat together and quietly ate. Everything was fine until this group of juniors came barging into our room and cornered one of our classmates.

"You bitch! You bitch!" Was repeated quite a few times. From what I can hear, they're accusing our classmate of stealing someone's boyfriend. The ruckus they were making was getting out of hand. They were flipping chairs and pushing the poor girl around. I don't really care but, I will not have any of it right now. Atsushi and I are eating.

I stood up and was about to confront them but Atsushi caught me by the back of my shirt. He shook his head, "don't join in." He scolded with his lazy sounding voice.

I brushed him off, "I won't."

So I walked to the commotion just when the senior was about to hit my classmate. I caught her wrist just in time as I calmly looked at the her.

"What's your freakin' problem!?" she raged.

"Let her go you stupid freshman!" another said. "Don't you know who you're messing with?!" and another.

I looked her in the eye, "this isn't your classroom. You don't have any right to hurt her. You should leave."

"Who do you think you are?!" she pushed me a little bit but I was unfazed.

I could see Atsushi concerned from the corner of my eye.

"Leave. Before you all get slaughtered right here where you stand." I firmly said. My glare made the rest cower in fear. Without saying anything, the leader of the bullies turned around and headed for the door. The rest followed, briskly walking to catch up.

"T-thank you..." A little voice said. I sighed and touched the middle of my brows with my fingers.

"this is all your fault." I blamed her. "Next time this happens, I'll gladly hand you over so they can beat you up outside. Just not here while I'm having lunch." I told her grimly looking down at the weakling she was.

I sat back with Atsushi who was still eating. "You made them run away..." he said.

I said nothing and just ate a few bites all at once. I was too worried that I was getting worse. I don't want to be like Seijuro nii. I could just clearly see his piercing stare in my mind.

'I am not like him.' I repeated to myself

"I hope they don't come after you." Atsushi said nonchalantly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Do you think they will?" I smirked.

"Mhm." he nodded his head with his cheeks full of rice and pickled radish.

"We'll see."

He swallowed hard, "don't worry. I'll protect you Yukichin." His eyebrows wiggled a bit.

Like I needed any protecting. They needed to be protected from me... If I'm just like my brother.

A monster


This filler sucks you guys.

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