"I gave up on everything for you. I gave up my dreams, my career, semua hal yang aku suka! Untuk apa? To be your trophy wife? To be the mother of your children? Aku lewatin bertahun-tahun doing the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking your meals, packing your lunches, and making sure I looked perfect when you walked through that door—semuanya demi kamu.
Karena aku pikir you were the only thing I had. Aku pikir you were the best I could hope for, that you were the one who would love me, protect me. Aku lakuin semua itu buat pernikahan kita. And what do I have now? What I've gotten doesn't even come close to what I gave up!"
"Denger dulu-"
"Kamu liat gak sekarang, Evander? Kamu liat aku? Aku penjahat di mata anak-anakku! Me! After everything I've done, all the hurt I've buried, all the patience I've tried to hold onto—now all anyone sees is my anger. All anyone sees is the mother who yells, the one who's the 'bad guy.' Gak ada yang tau apa yang aku lewatin gak ada yang tau apa yang bikin aku kayak gini!"
"Gak ada yang anggap kamu penjahat, gak ada. That's in your head—"
"Yes, they do! aku tau! Aku bisa liat dari cara mereka liat aku. I know they hate me! Aku gak berniat benci anak-anakku sendiri! I never wanted to hurt them! Tapi aku lakuin itu without even realizing it, karena kamu! Because of what you did to me, and they'll never know!"
"Then just tell them! Tell them with your own words and make me out to be the bad guy kalo itu yang kamu mau."
"You always make it sound so simple, like you're above it all, like none of this affects you. You think you hold all the cards because you've got control over everything, Iya, kan?"
"Terus aku harus apa, Juliana? What else can I do? My apologies aren't enough, nothing I do is ever enough for you."
"Gak ada. Gak perlu kamu lakuin apapun selain rasain what I've felt. You love me, right? I know you do. Well, dulu juga aku gitu kok. But look where it got me. Loving you turned me into this—hurt, broken, angry. So, yeah, taste your own medicine. Feel what it's like."
"I'll take it. I'll drink it. Even if you serve me poison at dinner, I'll swallow it and praise you afterward. So what? What more do you want me to do?!"
Justin bisa merasakan tangannya digenggam dan ditarik oleh seseorang hingga badannya berbalik dan menemukan Lingga yang langsung menangkup kedua sisi wajahnya tepat di telinga, seolah sengaja untuk menutup indra pendengar sang adik dari pertengkaran menyakitkan antara orang tuanya.
Bylines and Heartbeats (Hoonsuk)
FanfictionBaraga dan Harlingga adalah dua jurnalis yang penuh semangat dalam mengeksplorasi keberagaman budaya di seluruh dunia. Suatu hari, mereka memiliki tugas untuk pergi ke sebuah pulau terpencil yang legendaris, di mana suku asli yang hidup di sana memi...