037. revelations

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They speed up to Hankel's property, all getting out, holding their guns.

"John, Bobby. Take the house with Gideon and Hotch." The detective orders. "Morgan."

"What?" He asks.

"There's a barn around back."

"Prentiss, Taylor, come on." Derek says, the three making their way to the barn with a few cops. They find it and go inside, looking around and keeping their guns at the ready.

Jessica shines her flashlight at one of the dog's dead bodies. She walks further into the barn, her flashlight shining onto the mattress that's soaked in blood from Mrs. Douglas.

Jessica gags, the back of her hand pressed over her mouth.

"Jess?" Derek walks over to her, looking at the mattress.

"Oh, damn." He mutters, closing his eyes.

"FBI!" They all turn to JJ as she shoots to her feet, aiming her gun.

"JJ." Derek calls.

"JJ, hey." Jessica calls out.

"JJ, stop!" Emily calls.

"Don't move!" JJ shouts.

"JJ, stop!" Jessica exclaims.

"JJ, it's Morgan, Taylor, and Prentiss. Don't shoot." Derek states. "It's okay." He assures. JJ slowly lowers her gun as the three walk over. "Are you hurt?"

"Tobias Hankel is the unsub." JJ informs.

"Yeah, we know." Derek says.

"I'll go call an ambulance." The detective says, walking out.

"We just thought he was a witness." JJ says. "We had to kill them." She says as the four look around at the dogs' bodies.

"JJ, where's Reid?" Derek asks.

"They just completely tore her apart." JJ says.

"JJ." Jessica calls.

"There's nothing even left--"

"Jennifer!" Jessica barks, finally getting the blonde's attention. "Where's Spencer?"

"Uh, we split up. He said he was gonna go around back." JJ informs.

"Fuck." Jessica runs out, Derek right behind her.

They make it out to the cornfield and look around. Jessica stops when she finds dragging marks, following her flashlight along it. 

"Mor-- D-Derek." She calls out, her voice shaky.

Derek rushes over to where she is and finds the drag marks.

"That-- those are marks. If Hankel got Reid then he-- we can't find him and there's drag marks and--"

"Okay, hey, hey. Breathe. Jess, take a breath." Derek soothes.

"No." Jessica gives him an annoyed look.

"You can't work if you're not breathing, Jessica." Derek retorts. Jessica rolls her eyes, but forces herself to take a breath.

"Reid's gone." She states.

"We'll find him." Derek promises.

Jessica sighs, looking back down at the marks as a familiar feeling of dread starts to drown her.

~ ~ ~

"Hey, is there any sign of him yet?" Emily asks the detective.

"We got every one of our units on the road." He informs. "He won't make it far." He assures before walking off.

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