079. recovery period

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"No. No, no, let me go." Spencer wakes up to Jessica's cries. "No. No. Stop! Stop it!" He jumps as she starts to scream and thrash around.

"Jessi. Jessi? Hey." Spencer calls out. "Jessi!" He yells over her screams. He instinctively reaches out, but knows he shouldn't touch her in this state. "Jessi, wake up. It's Spencer. It's Spencer Reid. You're safe."

"No." Jessica sobs, clutching onto the sheets. "No, stop, please." She cries.

"Jessica!" Spencer shouts, going to rest his hand on her back. The woman jolts awake, still panicking. "No, no, hey, Jessi, look at me." Spencer coos as Jessica scrambles to sit up, pressing herself to the headboard. "Honey, look at me, look at me. It's me. It's Reid. It's Spence." He quickly assures.

Jessica's breathing is short and choppy as she looks around. Spencer turns the lamp on, letting her see better.

"It's just you and me." Spencer promises.

Jessica sobs, still struggling to breathe.

"It's okay. It's okay." Spencer whispers, rubbing her knee.

Spencer continues to whisper reassurances and encouragements while Jessica manages to gain control of her breathing.

She's only calm for a moment before she breaks down crying again. This time, she leans over, Spencer immediately wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

"I've got you. I got you. It's okay." Spencer assures, stroking her hair. "I'm not going anywhere."

It takes a while, but Jessica's cries slowly cease to exist, Spencer sitting with her patiently and soothing her.

Now, the two sit back against the headboard, Jessica's face still buried into the crook of Spencer's neck. Her legs lay over his lap and his arms are around her. He lightly runs his fingers along her arm, knowing it relaxes her.

"You want to talk about it?" Spencer quietly asks.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." Jessica sniffles.

"I don't mind." Spencer says. "I want to be there for you. So wake me up whenever you want."

"Spence..." She lifts her head to give him a look.

"I'm serious." He tells her. "If you need somebody, I'm right here."

"Okay." She mumbles. "When do you go back to work?"

"In a few weeks. But if you need me longer, Hotch will let me off. Even if he doesn't, I have countless vacation days saved up since I never go anywhere." He says. His comment manages to get Jessica's lips to quirk up for a split second making the tension in his chest ease slightly.

"You should when you're scheduled. They don't need to be down two of us for too long." Jessica says.

"They'd understand. And I can always work from here somehow. Call them with any information I find. Or I can at least stay at the BAU with Garcia instead of going on a case." Spencer says.

"No. No, don't abandon your job." Jessica frowns.

"I'm not abandoning it. I'm prioritizing." Spencer says. "You mean more to me than the job, Jess. You know that." Jessica sighs, letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. "We have three weeks before we have to figure it out, okay?" Jessica gives him a small nod.

Spencer rubs her thigh, resting his head on top of hers.

"I still don't wanna talk about it." She mumbles.

"Okay." Spencer whispers.


Jessica trudges down the hall and towards the kitchen, frowning at the smell of bacon.

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