sugarcream pov.

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I was just watching my mom (pinky pie) rolling on the princess mom uggh great I'm meeting a princess and her parents are being attacked by my mom that is so embarrassing. When I turn my head I noticed a princess coming towards me so I panicked and just bowed, she cringed a lot when I said  that and used her magic to help me stop."please don't bow it bad enough that I have to sing every hour haha... come on in." I feel my dad poking me "hun this girl is a princess respect her complete." I nodded and followed the princess. When we almost arrive at the destination she stop at her tracks "what's wrong?" The princess giggled. " I just remember I didn't tell u my name." I smiled a little. "You go first your Highness. " she blushed a little and rolled her eyes. " well my name is Twila glim sentry. My dad as u know as partners of the captain of the guards his name is flash sentry and my mom hahaha I bet you hear about that story a lot." I giggled remembering about the story everyone is talking about. "I do, well my name is sugar cream I work a the sugar cube corner with my mom pinky and dad cheese sandwich. " she nodded in satisfaction and turn and opens her room I ran inside and gaze at her room every thing was in pink purple yellow other colors her bed was pink he walls we're purple and her carpet was yellow  I'm so well flabbergasted.  "HONEY COME DOWNS STAIRS WITH YOUR FRIEND!." I looked at Twila and she rolled her eyes in a annoyed way she smiled at me gided me back downstairs

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now