Twilight:what did u do!

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I was at pinkies sitting on her bed thinking of twila i was so scared what was going to happen to her i  started to shake and cry. Flash saw me cry as long with sunset shimmer they both looked at each other and went to me flash sat beside me and grabbed me and held me in a embrace he kissed my head and rocked me slowley back and forth sunset sat beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. "It alright twilight we will get her back but we need to be prepared i promise she be saved . I looked up in rage. "HOW ! HOW CAN WE SAVE MY LITTLE GIRL SHE TURNED IN TO A MONSTER SHE HURT RAINBOW DASH AND MY HEART....i feel so lost..." flash jumped in to help me out."honey evey thing will be okay if i know twila and shes my daughter i willknow she is as smart as u and brave like u." He smiled at me which.made me grin at him and sunset. Pinkie ran inside with the others they were out of breath and they stared at us in fear. I stood up ."whats going on what did u do?" They pointed out the window i looked out side and saw Marvin from the dazzlins i felt panic in me and gasp flash saw speed behind and startex to attack him Marvin turned around and used his magic to take his voice while he was taking his voice it was purple and it was going in marvins throat . Speeds eye color was gone and he was laying there on the ground . Rainbow dash ran out there in tears grabbing her son in her arms i looked at flash and we both knew our daughter was in great danger.

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now