my little girl;twilight

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After they left tears came down it felt like I have been stabbed twice I sat down in my chair and looked at speed who took my arms gidded me in his arms he rubbed my hair which only made me cry even more. Rairty walked forward and hugged us both. "Oh.darlings I'm so very sorry we will get Twila back we promise uh hem right girls" they all nodded at ones and gave us a group hug but we were interrupted by rainbows scream. "Where is my son!?" Pinkie jumped up and down constantly and said. "He said he wanted to find Twila and get her back for twilight and flash. And he wants to help her what is going on. " rainbow dash almost fainted but fluttershy and rarity grabbed her just in time. Applejack put her hands on my shoulder."don't worry sugarcube we will find her." I nodded and looked at flash who seems to be worried as I am we let go and went to the library.

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now