twila: MOM!!

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Marvin was laughing in enjoyment and the boy kept my moms mouth open ...uggh my head ..."uggh!!" Everything i have was un pain i looked at speed he was looking down at me with marvin, mom was on the ground and dad was punching tacino ,i smiled at both of them and cried my body hurts so bad!! Speed bent down and scoop me up and put me on the bed ......"Twila...?" I blinked a few times and grabbed speeds face and said "thank u" he put me down and bent down close towards my lips...........

Speeds pov

My dear sweet twila ever since u were gone i kept dreaming of u and now i get to kiss u for the furst time oh twila i love u...
I kissed twila with passion she wrapped her arms around me he clothes changes into a princess gown it was gold and blue her pony side came in and so did her crown my clothes did the same except it was a tux it was silver with a gold crown a rainbow formed around us.....,soon we saw two princess celestia and two cadence and two luna they hoined hands and singed it was beautiful
Princess twila sparkle behold behooold
Prince speed before us behold behoold
Behold behold behold behold its united looove behold behold behold
Elemeeweents of LOOOOOVVEEE!
Cadence walk forward and put a dimomond heart pin on my tie she smiled"take care of my family speed....*crying*...this family is ment for care and after what u did for twila after all she did to u......thats love, im giving my name into yours prince of love..." celestia and luna step forward they smiled and cried the grabbed my hands and twilas they closed their eyes and opened with a white glow my eyes turned white so.did twila after minutes they looked weak ..
"My sister luna and i wanted to give u our powers......we knew it was time to let go...*fell*
"CELESTIA!!" Luna cried and held me and twila back soon she disappeared. Everyone even pinky was shocked

Twila pov

"Uggh what PONY VILLE?!" MY MOM AND I LANDED BACK IN PONY VILLE ....we were laying in front of the mirror mom was crying and i held on to her we went up stairs and every one asked if we are okay we nodded then luna came in and hugged us ... pinkie got on the table.."WHERRS CELESTIA!!"
I dropped my fork and cried speed was sitting next to me he held me close to him soon he had a crown on ...i looked at him and kissed him rainbow dash just blinked .

After two days we had funral for celestia its sad to say good bye to our old princess even luna had a hard time

I became princess for the crystal empire and cadence was there to help me and my new husband

The mirror?
Oh sometimes i got to go back and handle marven

Hahahaha dont worry they are fiine

Back in eg

"Hehehehehehehe u need to fit more girl stuff
Rarity:indeed now MAKEUP


Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now