going back to sunset deleted pages :twilights pov.

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"Sunset SHIM-!" She grabbed my arm and shoved me in the janitors room with her she told to be quite she covered my mouth while other students passed by. She took a deep breath and took her hand off my mouth. I crossed my arm in disappointment and raised my eye brown. She laughed and started to whisper. [Ha ha sorry twilight I wasn't expecting u here I thought you we're in equestria with your pony friends and other stuff...."] I looked at her wildly and cringed a little. ["Um yeah about that I'm...here to ge-get my daughter and she was pushed in the mirror and came here haha."] She looked in my eyes and and giggled and took off her necklace she put it around my neck and ran out the door. Weird she is acting coo coo. I entered the halls and saw my daughter but I bumped into some one familiar. I .looked into the eyes of an angel my husband as a human.

[Hey guys so this is a twist back in time section you will get a lot of those and soon I will publish a new book coming soon that will have to do about princess Luna called: children of the night. Enjoy oh and follow if u like it so far thanks. ]

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now