You will give me that power:Marvin

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I finally have twilights daughters heart now all i need to do is win that strong power mom was looking for great victory twilight will beg mercy for me to save her daughter twila is now my new girl of love and i cherish her but if that petty princess gets in my way i will destriy her and her friends. "Marvin? Are u alright." I looked down at my lovely come to be girl of love her eyes dark green by new power . I grabbed her chin and kissed her soft lips she started blushing which made me laugh and walk on i saw the boys fighting in the living room. "I desirve to have the stongest power i am the smaryest tacino!" "Ohh yea well i uh ...o like tacos and i desirve a tacos and ....ok dude i lost i forgot what i was going to say." I walked in and ruined their little chat. "Sorry to pop the convo but i was the one who won the girls heart and i am the leader." They both made a groan and sat on different side of the couch . I turned around and grabbed twila and held her in my arm. "Treat twila my love with great care if i find a scratch or bruise i will kill u both! i will leave u here my love i just need to do business." Twila kissed my cheek and smirked at the boy. While i left.

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now