its time!:twila

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Felt energy flowing through my body and i couldnt sleep so i thought maybe i could go.out side when i open the door marvin was there he was grinning at me and held out his hand i took it he started to sing and purple glow started to mix with green and it went necklace . The power was so strong that it made me float my wings popped.out and it was yellow all the way and at the tip black my crown formed and it was black my clothed changed it self and turned into gold my neacklace turned into what my cutie mark looked like but darker i opened my eyes and my eyes way all the way green bit bright so bright it glows in the dark . My ears popped out . I startes to float down and took Marvins hand "you ready?" I nodded and looked at the two boys who appeared ...but am i doing some thing wrong it doesnt feel right. We all sung together and disappeared in midair .

25Mins later

We showed up in pinkies house at dawn every one was waking up and hugging each other and i knew it was my chance to.appear a broke around me . And i practically scared everyone . Mom walked slowley tiwards me "Twila is that you sweety?" I grinned and singed my moms mouth open by force by the boys and rainbow cameout her mouth and i i WILL GAIN MORE POWER!!

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now