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well nor did anyone say twi had a kid but for sure I know flash has a kid that no good garment I don't want to be rash about stuff but I never liked flash I'm my version he is a two timing person I wonder if anyone could hear me... hmmmm "YOU KNNNOOOWWW JACKIE I AM AMAZING AT GETTING IN MIND AND LISTENING SO I THINK U LOVE FLASH...RIGHT..OR DID I GO THE WRONG WAY." I walk towards pinkie and grabbed he head and shook it "THE VERRYYY WRONG WAY CANT U SEE FLASH IS A CHEATER..I think.." after I said that flash was in the room he was in shock. "Er uh hey there ladies.. apple... errrrr um I think I'm going to find twil- " "And why do u care." He looked hurt what I said but it feels good. "I was going to find Twila so I can give her this. " it was twilight's silver mark from the fall formal. "Flash u didn't stalk her and ripped it off did u." He laughed "um no I'm not that weird ya later." " Great now it's time for guys to leave I have students to teach, flutter shy and pinkie and rarity left , then I started to play on my violin.

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now