princess twilights pov: oh no

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"Oh girls u have no idea how much I missed u it's been five years.... I'm so sorry." Apple Jack eyes was filled with curiosity but before I know she walked up to me. "Twilight u don't need to worry a lot but I think your daughter and rainbow dash son well left. " rainbow dash and I stood up and looked at each other.. "AHHHH OUR KIDS!!" So we both ran out the door and saw Twila being shoved by speed. "TWILIGHT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR DAUGHTER DOES SHE KNOW A BOY LOVE WHEN SHE SEES IT!!" I gave her a glare while running. "I'M SO SORRY THAT MY DAUGHTER IS NEW TO THIS HUUUMMANN THINGS SHE WAS RAISED IN EQUESTRIA!! " we stopped in our tracks when we saw them playing soccer we both took a sigh and went towards them.

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