sunset: What in the world?

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I heard scream coming from in the school I was in the cafe drinking my lemonade Looking out the window to see what's going on then I saw twilight's daughter with boy who looks just like...... NOT ONLY THE DAZZLINGS SONS BUT THEY ARE CALLED THE DAZZINS.! oh no twilight.. I remembered the necklace I gave her my powers was in it and it's a teleporter for me also so I closed my eyes and thought of where twilight would be.
(5mins later)
"Ahh...ouff! "
Twilight jumped in front of me and grabbed me. "Sun set shimmer? What how did u even get here? I smiled and point at the necklace she laughed nervously but I just jumped into the words I wanted to say. "TWILA IS WITH THE DAZZINGS SONS THEY ARE CALLED THE DAZZLINS THEY WERE LOOKING FOR STRONG POWER WHITCH YOUR DAUGHTER TWILIGHT SHE HAS THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT EVER AND WHEN THEY SINGED THEY GRABBED HER HEART AND TURNED HER EVIL AND SHE GAIN LOVE FOR HIM!"
twilight didn't take this to well she backed away from everyone and sat in the corner and started to glow purple her crown slowly formed on her head and her wings just plopped out her clothes changed into a sparkley dress and her ears was finally made she looked like a pony slash human again but how can she do that with no music?

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now