twila pov

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I saw every pony but before I made a step jewels mom pulled me inside and started designing me in a flash before I could figure out what's going on. Then she put me in front of the mirror I had no idea what it was but she accidently pushed me inside. All I saw was glitter and rainbows and when I entered I saw everyone except they we're standing Up?? I looked around but I notice I was crawling when I looked at my self I freaked. Then I bumped into a guy that looked like dad... OMG is this cantorlot high like mom talked about maybe it was do not touch allowed mirror oooh I'm so grounded. When I looked up the guy who looks like my dad was staring at me and helped me up. He smiles at me and walked off

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now