what will i do with u :Twila

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After marvin left i was standing their grinning at the two boys they were giving me a cold yet sturn look. "What got in your milk this morning?" I walk towards arino and leaned my face closer to his . "Oh nothing i just want to have fun...hmmm.oh!" I walked towards a bunch of broken glass and grabbed one and put it on my arm . Tacino stood up and gave me a nervous look ."You wouldn't." My eyes turned bright green .

"Oh try me i would." I started to tease them but they got to scared that Arino jumped on top of me and Tacino grabbed every last bit of glass off the ground. I looked at arino who was blushing and breathing hard and seemed out of breath. "A-Are u crazy do u know what Marvin might do to us if he sees u cut!" My eye turned greener and i started to laugh . "Im not going to let u up for a while." I tilted my head and grinned . "Hahaha"

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now