flash: my sweet little girl

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I was walking down the halls looking for Twila but I almost lost hope and thought she left until I heard a scream that sound like twilight I ran towards the football field and saw rainbowdash and twilight playing soccer as always twilight falls and rainbow cheers in victory. Twila was running to twilight and speed my second best student ran behind her but they fell onto each other they we're close to close.."UH HEM!!" Twilight turned her head and smiled "hi flash." I smiled walking towards her and grabbed her hand. "I don't think u are considered as a friend anymore." Twilight hugged me and kissed my cheek I turned around and saw speed with his arm around my daughter shoulder [that little-] I smoothly grabbed the back of his neck and hugged him really hard to let him know I am here. "Um Mr.sentry sir that sorta hurts uggh ow!!" Twilight smacked the back of my head "ugh." Twila hugged me. "You don't need to protect me dad." I almost cried hearing that from a pony/human girl. I love my sweet little girl.

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