speed: twila? DAD??

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Uggghh my back hurts so much what was up with Mr.sentry man I hope mom can help me. I was in cooking class I was being taught by a legendary teacher fluttershy
Canterlot high changed a lot when princable Luna and celestia. Retired. So now each student gets the same teacher so gental is fluttershy, generosity is rarity,and truth is apple Jack and loyalty is my mom rainbowdash. Excitement is pinkie. The bell rung before fluttershy could say a word "you are dismissed" we all left the class room I was looking for Twila but when I turned my head flash was in front of me he grabbed my ear and put me in his office."I know u like.my daughter Mr.speed. "
HOW IN THE WORLD DOES HE KNOW I MEAN I CANT PROVE IT AND HE CAN'T EITHER SO I'M SAFE OH YEAH...flash had an wicked smile on his face "u know I can read minds right pinkie taught me." I sat down in a corner."don't tell her." He laughed and grabbed my neck and whispered in my ear. [Don't u touch my little girl if u have any ideas of touching her any kind a way I am a father of this girl and I will destroy u ,your my best student so chill.] I nodded my head ran out the door wait FLASH.... TWILA....TWILIGHT!!! OH MY GOD Twila is a princess well there goes my dignity

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now