ohh marvin my new lover

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After the song was over the boy with the orange hair looked at me and smirked he leaned and whispered. [Hello Twila I see u are loving my voice grrr.] I looked up at him and smiled my eyes glowed green and back to normal I grinned. He grabbed me by the waist and I put my hand on his chest and looked at flash mom and speed who was ready to pounce. Rainbow dash jumped from behind them I put my hand up and used a knock back power I never knew I can do that I laughed at the pleasure of using this power. Flash had fear in his eyes and looked at twilight. Twilight looked at me and saw a necklace forming around my neck it was pure red she tried to treasure me that I should back away from them. "WHY jealous that u can't make a move haha very mother or should I call u twilight the loser and flash the guitar man and speed who has adoring fans and want to hang out with me? DON'T MAKE LAUGH."I let go of the of the boy and walked out the door and the boys followed me the boy in the orange hair embraced me. He was smiling as I was smiling also. "MY name is Marvin son of adagio the one in the blue hair is Tacino son of sonata and finally the One with the purple hair is Arino the son of aria we are the dazzlins you see our earnings they are the source like your necklace. " Nice to know... but I want to learn more about u Marvin. " Marvin held me closer then ever and we left.

Twila: EQUESTRIA GIRLS ONCE AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now