Eighteen: When Tensions Boil Over

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It had been a few days since the girls had each gone on dates with the BTS Hyung line. The air between them had shifted, softening into something unspoken yet palpable. Though none of them had confessed their true feelings yet, each of the girls felt themselves leaning toward the guys, drawn into the gravitational pull that seemed to tighten the more time they spent together. But the weight of their secrets remained, hanging just out of reach, like storm clouds ready to break.

Tonight, they were all gathered at the girls' house for a casual game night. The tension from the fair had seemingly dissipated, but there was still an undercurrent of something unfinished. Seokjin was at the head of the table, guiding everyone through a lighthearted round of charades, trying his best to ease the awkwardness between the group after the intensity of their last encounter with ATEEZ.

The girls were scattered around the room, laughing and drinking. Julissa sat on the couch next to Seokjin, her legs crossed, enjoying the way his goofy antics never failed to make her laugh. Morgan, on the other side, was sitting beside Namjoon, their shoulders brushing lightly as they shared small smiles. Justice was nestled near Yoongi, who, in his usual cool demeanor, leaned back, but there was an air of quiet protectiveness in the way he subtly glanced at her from time to time. And Lola? She was comfortably close to Hoseok, who kept sneaking glances at her, trying to gauge her mood after their date.

Everything seemed to be settling into place. Until the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Namjoon asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he stood from the couch. His protective instincts immediately kicked in. After all, it wasn't like they were expecting anyone.

Lola, curious, glanced around. "Maybe it's room service?" she joked, but there was a nervous edge to her voice.

"I'll get it," Seokjin said, getting up, though he looked slightly confused as well.

The rest of the group fell quiet, their laughter and conversation freezing as Seokjin pulled open the door, revealing a familiar group standing on the doorstep.


Hongjoong, San, Mingi, and Wooyoung stood there, dressed sharply but with an air of nonchalance, as if they had every right to be there. Hongjoong smiled, his eyes locking on Morgan first, and then drifting over the rest of the group. "We were in the area," he said smoothly, his gaze flicking briefly toward the BTS members before landing back on the girls. "Thought we'd stop by and see if you were up for some fun."

The room tensed immediately. Namjoon stood a little straighter, his jaw clenching ever so slightly as he exchanged a glance with Seokjin, who was still by the door. Yoongi's eyes darkened, his usual relaxed posture stiffening, while Hoseok subtly shifted closer to Lola, as though marking his territory.

Lola, always the one to break the silence, chuckled awkwardly. "Oh, uh, hey guys. We weren't expecting you."

"We're having a game night," Julissa added, though her voice faltered a little. She could sense the brewing storm.

Wooyoung's eyes lit up, his cocky grin widening as he sauntered in without an invitation. "Perfect timing, then. We love games."

San followed him inside with an easygoing smile, though there was something challenging in his eyes as he looked over at Seokjin, who met his gaze coolly.

Mingi glanced at Lola and gave her a wink, which didn't go unnoticed by Hoseok. He stiffened but stayed quiet, unsure how to react without seeming possessive. But the tension in the room was rising fast, and everyone could feel it.

The ATEEZ boys made themselves comfortable, sliding into the available spaces, and suddenly the once casual game night was anything but. The girls exchanged glances, nervous laughter escaping them as they tried to keep things light, but the tension between the BTS members and ATEEZ was unmistakable.

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