Fifteen: Bruised Hearts

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Morgan stared at her reflection in the mirror, her hands trembling slightly as she dabbed a bit of concealer on the purple bruise blooming on her collarbone. The dress she had chosen was long-sleeved and high-necked, a deliberate choice to hide the evidence of her past, but the bruises seemed to mock her anyway. She didn't have enough makeup to cover them all, and there was only so much fabric could do.

Tonight was supposed to be her date with Namjoon, and she was dreading the inevitable moment when he would notice—if he hadn't already. After all, he had seen a glimpse the last time they were together, but thankfully, he hadn't said anything then. But what if tonight was different? What if he finally asked?

Taking a deep breath, Morgan pulled her sleeves down a little more, doing her best to push down the rising anxiety in her chest. She couldn't afford to fall apart now, not when things were finally looking up. Namjoon had been so sweet, so gentle with her, and she couldn't ruin that. She just had to make it through the night.


Namjoon stood outside, waiting for Morgan, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know why he was so nervous. Dates were supposed to be fun, right? But the more time he spent with Morgan, the more he felt like there was something she wasn't telling him—something deeper beneath the surface.

And then there were the bruises. He hadn't wanted to ask before, afraid of prying into something too personal, but the sight of them had lingered in his mind ever since. Tonight, he knew he had to say something. He couldn't just ignore it any longer.

When Morgan finally stepped outside, Namjoon felt his breath catch. She looked beautiful, as always, but there was something different about her tonight. She seemed... guarded. Her dress was long-sleeved, and though she smiled warmly at him, he could see the tension in her eyes.

"You look amazing," he said softly, stepping forward to meet her.

Morgan smiled, her heart fluttering at the way he looked at her. "Thanks. You do too."

As they began walking toward the small restaurant Namjoon had chosen for their date, the conversation flowed easily at first. They talked about their favorite books, the music they liked, and the little things that made them laugh. But beneath the surface, both of them were holding back, each waiting for the right moment to bring up what was really on their minds.


As they sat down at their table, the warmth of the restaurant contrasting with the cool evening outside, Namjoon felt the tension building inside him. He kept glancing at Morgan's sleeves, noticing how she tugged at them nervously, and he knew he couldn't put it off any longer.

He took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.

"Morgan..." he started, his voice soft but steady, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but... I noticed the bruises. I saw them the other day, and I can see that you're trying to hide them now."

Morgan froze, her heart dropping into her stomach. She had hoped he wouldn't ask, that she could make it through the night without having to explain herself. But she should have known better. Namjoon was too perceptive, too caring to let something like that slide.

"I... I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I didn't want you to see them."

Namjoon leaned forward, his eyes full of concern. "You don't have to apologize. I'm just worried about you. You don't have to tell me if you're not ready, but I want to help if I can."

Morgan swallowed hard, her hands gripping the edge of the table. She had been carrying this burden for so long, and the idea of finally sharing it with someone—someone she trusted—was both terrifying and freeing.

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