One: Escape to Jeju

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The light from the early morning sun filtered through the thin curtains of Morgan's room, casting a golden hue across the packed suitcase lying open on her bed. She exhaled shakily, fingers trembling as she zipped up the luggage, her mind racing. This trip to Jeju wasn't just about a getaway. For her, it was an escape—a desperate one.

The faint bruise on her wrist throbbed, a reminder of the last encounter with her father. She rubbed at it absentmindedly, her throat tightening. The verbal assaults, the controlling nature, the way he would fly into a rage over the smallest things—it was suffocating. For as long as she could remember, she'd been trapped in a cycle of fear and pain, hiding the truth from everyone. But no more. She had to get out.

Morgan glanced in the mirror, catching her reflection. Dark circles lingered under her eyes, remnants of sleepless nights spent wondering if she could ever truly break free. She wasn't the same bubbly girl she once was. Now, she wore a mask, smiling to convince her friends that everything was fine. They didn't know the full extent of what she was leaving behind. They couldn't. If they knew, they might look at her with pity, and that was the last thing she wanted.

With a deep breath, Morgan grabbed her suitcase and stood by the door, steeling herself for the journey ahead. This was her chance to breathe, to feel alive again—if only for a little while.

 This was her chance to breathe, to feel alive again—if only for a little while

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Justice sat cross-legged on her bed, staring down at the last item she needed to pack: a small notebook. The pages were worn, filled with scribbles, sketches, and jotted-down thoughts she couldn't share with anyone. Flipping it open, her eyes landed on the entry from that day—the day that changed everything.

The clinic had been cold, sterile, the walls too white and the air too still. Her decision had weighed on her like an anchor, pulling her down into a dark, lonely abyss. But she'd made her choice. She'd done what she felt was right, but the guilt? That never left. Not even after all this time.

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