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(Marjorie's pov)

"Hiya Char, you alright?" I ask over the phone, she has called me from the baby room.
"Hi Marjorie. Uhm." she starts, but then stops.
"Uhm. Everything is fine." she says, her voice all happy.
"Char, you are using your nursery voice on me. What's wrong? Get to it." I say, and hear her nervously laugh.
"Well, Carly isn't well. I think she needs to go home." she finally gets out.
"Okay... Tell her she can go home." I say.
"Okay well, Marjorie. We need someone to come cover the room." she says, letting out a small nervous laugh.
"Okay, I'll send someone down." I say, hanging up.

I look over to Autumn, who is glaring at me.
"Autumn, how-"
"No." she responds bluntly.
"But-" I start but she interrupts.
"You are going to work in those rooms, I cannot do that today, so off you go." she explains, turning back to her computer.
I sigh heavily, and stand up.
"You will pay for this." I say to Autumn, walking down the corridor, towards the baby room.

I walk in and look around, finding Char tidying up the room.
"Marjorie?" she questions, walking towards me. "Do we not have anyone?"
"No we do. Where do you want me?" I question, crossing my arms.
She looks at me with wide eyes, shocked and confused. "You?"
"Yes me. Now where do you want me?" I repeat, rolling my eyes.
"Uhm, well all the babies are down for a nap, so I'm just tidying up the room. Afterwards, I'm going to give you Ellie and Marcie, then you can do an activity." she explains, getting back to cleaning.
"Okay, got it." I say, helping her tidy.


About 20 minutes later the babies wake up. I go in and grab my babies.. I change them, and then take them to the room.
I set up an activity, just a small painting one, Char helping think of it, of course.
I sit down with them, and we get started. They start dipping their hands in it, and smudging it all over the paper.
I laugh, and do the same, which makes them giggle, which makes me laugh even more.
After a while, I clean up the paint, and wipe down the babies, seeing as they have paint all over their arms.

By now, parents start arriving. Ellie's mum walks in. I pick her up, and carry her over to her tray, grabbing her things, and her painting. I hand the painting to Ellie, and she shoves it in her mums face.
"Oh wow Ellie bear. That's a very good painting." her mum says taking it from her.
I hand her Ellie, and start doing handover.
"She has had a really great day, her nap was good, and she has had a lot of fun." I explain, and her mum nods along.
"That's good. May I ask why you are in the rooms? We don't normally see you in here Marjorie." she questions, and I nod.
"Mhm, well unfortunately a staff member went home as she was sick. So I came in to cover." I explain.
"Oh that's not good. I hope she is okay. Well it's always nice to see you Marjorie. We will see you soon. Say bye Ellie bear." her mum says, and Ellie waves.
"Bye Ellie." I wave back, and her mum leaves.

I turn back to Marcie, who makes grabby hands at me.
I pick her up, and move into the home corner, sitting down. I grab a book to read to her, but by the time I look down she is fast asleep.
I check the time, no wonder, it's 10 minutes past closing.
I stay sat in the corner, watching as Char finishes her small handover with her last parent.
She walks over to me, "You want me to take her so you can go?" she questions.
"It's alright my love. I'll stay, you go." I say, and she smiles.
"Okay Marjorie, thanks for your help today. It's been nice, you are really good with the kids by the way." she throws over her shoulder, walking out.

I smile down at Marcie. I wonder what I would be like as a mother? Does Reece want kids? I'd love them, I mean my fear of being like my mum is stopping me. Yet I feel like with Reece, I can't be like that.
My thoughts are interrupted by someone walking through the door. Marcies dad, Micheal.
"Hiya." I whisper, standing up slowly, trying not to disturb the sleeping baby in my arms.
"Give me my child!" he yells, and she jumps awake in my arms, cuddling close.
"Marcie it's your dad." she cuddles in closer.
"Marcie!" he yells, and she stays.
"Right Micheal, how about you lower your voice, I think it's scaring Marcie, she has only just woken up." I explain and he gets furious.
"You let her sleep! Great! Now she isn't going to sleep tonight! You idiot! Why have you done that?!? Give her to me!" he yells, reaching for her roughly. I take a step back, yet he follows, until I'm backed up against the wall.
He places a hand by my head.
"Give me my child now." he whispers, forcefully taking Marcie. "If I didn't have my child, I would slap you so hard." he smiles, walking out the room.

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