I'm always here

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(Marjorie's pov)

This day just drags on and on. I already woke up in a not so great mood, having a headache and just not feeling great in general. Then I had to come to work, where all the parents are cursing me out for all their problems. And the clock moves so slowly, I just want to go home. I can't take much more, and thankfully the clock turned 6:30pm and I got up so fast and practically ran out the door.

(Reece's pov)

I came to pick up Marjorie from her nursery, and by the time I get there, she is standing outside waiting for me.

"Sorry gorgeous, I didn't mean for you to be waiting for me." I apologise, not expecting her to be outside already.

"It's fine, let's just get home already." she says back to me, with a completely fed up face on and no emotion in her voice. That's not like her, which is worrying me.

She stays quiet for the rest of the drive home, and as soon as we pull into the driveway, she grabs her keys from her bag, gets out the car and walks to the front door, opening it then shutting it behind her. That's weird, I thought as I slowly climb out of the car, going to the front door and entering the house.

I enter the living room to see Marjorie sat there rubbing her forehead and letting out a sigh. She seemed fed up and angry, I didn't want to pester her but also wanted her to talk about what was wrong.

(Marjorie's pov)

"Darling, are you ok?" Reece asks, as he sits down next to me, putting one hand on my thigh, I know all he wants to do is help, but I really don't feel up to talking.

"Reece please leave me alone." I say, trying as much as I can, using up my last bit of energy, to make it sound at least nice. I didn't want to offend him but I was running off no energy now.

"Are you sure you're ok? You can tell me anything, I promise." he says. Even when I was being awful he was still so nice, but I really was so fed up now.

"Reece just back off ok, I don't want to speak to you, I'm fed up of you, now just leave me alone!!" I shout at him, getting up and walking out the house.

(Reece's pov)

She left. I don't know what I did but Marjorie just left me. It probably wasn't for good, I mean I hope it isn't. I can't believe it.

I get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen. I grab some water and have a sip of that, choking back my tears, I can't cry over this. Maybe if she comes back and I've cooked for her she might forgive me. Yeah, that's a good idea. So I set myself to work, cooking her favourite dish, it may be the hardest one to cook, but it's her favourite and if anything will get her back it will be this. So I look around for the ingredients and work my way around the place I know best, cooking for the person I want the most.

(Marjorie's pov)

I get into my car and drive. I have no clue where I'm going to go, Reece is my home. But I was too mad. I drove to the nearby park where I did my morning runs. I parked up and decide to go for a walk around, if anything just to clear my head. I couldn't go home, not after what I said to him. I don't know why I said it, I wasn't fed up of him, in fact all i want right now is to be cuddled up with him. But I have to clear my head before I go home, otherwise it will happen again.

I start my walk around the park. It'll probably take me about 30 minutes so not too long, not long enough to really worry Reece.

(Reece's pov)

I finish with the last bit of cooking and put the food in the oven to keep it warm. I thought Marjorie would have been back by now. Maybe she won't come back. No, she will, she has just gone to cool off, we both needed the space. Just in case, I shoot her a message to be safe.

Reece - Hey gorgeous, just want to know if you're ok, text me if you are going to spend the night somewhere else, text me in general so I know your safe, I love you xx

I walk into the living room and sit on the sofa, staring at my phone, waiting for a reply. That's all I can do now, wait.

(Marjorie's pov)

I hear my phone ping as I'm climbing in the car. It's Reece wanting to know if I'm ok and if I will spend the night someplace else. I can't with this man, I am so terrible and horrible to him and yet he still cares, I feel extra guilt piling on top now. I send him a message back then set off driving.

Marjorie - Hey, I'm on my way home now, we will talk when I'm home, I love you too xx

It doesn't take me long before I'm pulling up in the driveway. I take a deep breath, get out the car and walk into the house.

(Reece's pov)

I turn my head so fast when I hear the door open and close. I stand up and make my way towards Marjorie, who is just standing in the living room doorway. Without saying anything, I take her things, place them down on the table in the hallway, then take her hands and lead her into the living room and sit her down. I sit next to her on the sofa and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Marjorie, I didn't mean to upset you and I really didn't mean to make you angry, I just wanted to know if you were ok, I'm really sorry." I say, tears glistening my eyes, I push them down, I can't cry she needs me.

"Reece, I'm sorry. I may have had a bad day but that was no excuse for the way I treated you and for what i said, you were only trying to help me, I won't ever do or say that again and I'm so sorry." she replies, shuffling closer to me and putting her arms around me. In this moment, I just break down, it was just so many emotions. I just kept whispering "I'm sorry" in her ear, over and over.

"Reece, you have nothing to be sorry for, I love you so much and I will never walk out like that again, I'm here to stay, and I'm always here, it's ok." she says and we just sit there, her holding me whilst my sobs pass.

(Marjorie's pov)

I can't believe I broke him like this. I broke my boy like this. Never again. He deserves the world and from this moment forward, that is what I will give him.

"Reece, I know this is probably bad timing but can we get something to eat, I haven't eaten since breakfast and I'm starving." I say, and as if on cue my stomach rumbles. We both chuckle.

"Of course gorgeous, I actually cooked when you left, it was really silly but I thought if I cooked your favourite meal, you may forgive me." he says, grabbing my hands and practically running to the kitchen.

"Reece as much as I love your food, I love you more, and you will never have to cook for my forgiveness, however let's eat because I can't wait much longer" I laugh at the end, giving him a soft kiss on the lips as he serves up our food, I really do love him.

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