3. Arrival

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Layli: I still can't believe I'm pregnant Alejandro.

I rubbed my belly. I just came back from the doctor, to check up on little Niyesha. Well...it's not only Niyesha.

I noticed for just four months, I was pretty big. Four months yet I looked like I was seven or eight months.

Today I found out I was having twins!

So it'll be Niyesha and Leandra. And they'll be born on July 14th.

Alejandro: (Kisses her forehead.) Well believe it baby. (Sighs.) I just wish those were my babies.

Layli: They are yours. The father is the man that raise the children, not the one who helped make them.

He nodded, and started a bubble bath for me. Lately my muscles have been aching, and my feet swell up about three times a day. He helped me up, and helped me strip of my clothes.

Alejandro: Even pregnant, you're the sexiest woman I've ever seen.

Layli: (Blushes.) Oh stop it.

He helped me in the bathtub, and I sat down. The warm water felt good against my skin.

After the incident with Jayden, I haven't seen him since. I went to talk with Alejandro, since he was my best friend. Yes I was kind of with him before Jayden, but we thought it was better to separate.

But that just brought us back together. I told him everything. Well besides the weird part. I only told him how Jayden denied the baby. Well babies.

Alejandro said he would care for them as if they were his own. And I appreciated that. He treated me like a princess, and like I was so fragile like a diamond.

Ever since then we've been inseperable.

5 months later...

Alejandro: Just breathe baby.

Layli: What do you think I'm doing?!
I was taking breaths like no tomorrow. I guess he didn't notice that birthing twins wasn't that easy.

Doctor: On the count of three, I want you to push. Okay?

Layli: Yes!

Doctor: 1...2...3!

I pushed with all my might. We went through this for five minutes. That's when they saw the head.

Doctor: We see a head!

I pushed two more times and that's when I heard crying. Niyesha was born. 9:45 P.M.

Doctor: Alright we have one. What's her name?

Layli: Niyesha.

Doctor: Alright. Now for the other.

Again I pushed five more times. Leandra was easier to push than Niyesha. But I heard no crying.

Layli: Doctor? Is everything okay?

Doctor: Take Niyesha to Ms. Layli's room. Take Leandra to the emergency room now.

Layli: What's wrong with Leandra?! TELL ME!

Doctor: You need to calm down Layli. She wasn't breathing.

My mother was in the room with me, and she gave me a nod.

Layli: Mami what are you doing to do?

Natty: We can revive her. I know a doctor here.

Layli: Okay doctor. Can I see Niyesha?

He nodded. After I was all cleaned up, I was put in a wheelchair and was escorted to my room. Alejandro helped me get into my bed.

Nurse: Here you go.

Niyesha was given to me. I held her in my arms, her big brown eyes staring at me.

Layli: Look at the little baby.

Niyesha cooed at me, and smiled. She grabbed my finger, and held it tightly.

Layli: Look at Daddy. Look at him.

I pointed at Alejandro, and he leaned in to her. He was making funny faces, and it looked like she was trying to do the same.

Alejandro: Smart one isn't she?

Layli: Yes she is. She's gonna be special.

Nurse: Ms. Layli?

I looked up and the nurse had an uneasy look on her face.

Layli: What's wrong?

Nurse: Leandra...they don't think she's gonna make it...

My heart dropped, but I remembered what my mother said.

Layli: If God wants my daughter now, then so be it.

Alejandro: You're so calm about it.

Layli: I cannot do anything about. (P.O.V.: Well I can't...but my mother can.)

???: Where is my daughter?

Behind the nurse was Jayden. I saw Alejandro's fists clench up just by seeing him. I grabbed his hand, which made him relieve a bit of his tension.

Layli: So now you want to accept her?

Jayden: I was just caught up okay. I wasn't ready for a child.

Layli: And now you are? You can come visit. But I don't want you to sign the birth certficate.

Jayden: That's bullshit!! I made that child.

Layli: And it took you about a year to figure that out!!

The nurse grabbed Niyesha and put her in the little bed next to me. My head started to hurt, and I could already tell my eyes were changing to a bright red.

Alejandro: I think you should go Jayden.

Layli: You didn't want Niyesha. Just leave.

Jayden: (Smirks.) It's cool. Cause I will find her one day. Trust me.

He left the room. What he said left chills going down my spine. I felt my eyes going back to their usual brown color.

Alejandro: (Rubs Layli's back.) You okay baby?

Layli: Yeah I'm fine.

Niyesha made a noise, as to say she's fine too. I laughed.

Soon after, I was falling asleep, and Alejandro too.

But on my mind was two things.

What was mami gonna do?

And most importantly...

Would did Jayden mean? Would he do something to hurt me? To hurt Niyesha?


Three chapters down!

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Till now my little #innocents

Peacee & Lovee ❤

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