33. The After Party

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Okayy guys I'm really sorry about the very VERY late update. I think I finally got my act together and am back in writing for this book. So please forgive me with all the love in ya heart ☺


Niyesha's P.O.V.

After a very long show, we were back at the dressing room. Brandon came right before the show to give me a bouquet of roses, which Prince seemed very salty about. We were all high fiving each other for the great work, and Mari was there smiling like she just received free pizza. Well ... I would smile that much if I gotten free pizza. But I knew Prince said something to Mari, I not only felt it, but saw it in her whole body language. And he had that smirk, that stupid little smirk of his that used to get me, on his face.

Niyesha: Hey Jacob, Keisha wants to see you. (Walks out.)

I waited for him to fully get out the dressing room and close the door, before pulling him into a secluded corner where no one should hear or see us.

Prince: Woah Niyesha, if you wanted me back all you had to do was say so.

Niyesha: (Disgusted face.) You know damn well that's not what I want. What did you do to Marianna?

Prince: I introduced myself. Nothing serious.

Niyesha: So you just gonna jump on every girl you see now? Don't you got a girl back home?

Prince: And why should that be any of your business? I do what I want.

Niyesha: Well when your doing involves getting someone I care about getting hurt then it's my business.

Prince: Care about? You barely know the girl!

Niyesha: Well I got a connection with her! Leave her the fuck alone Prince.

Prince: (Smirks.) You called me Prince.

Niyesha: Okay so what? Trust me sweetie. I don't want you. I want and have Brandon.

I pushed him out the way and was going back to the dressing room when Prince grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back so we were only centimeters away from each other.

Prince: I know you still love me. You know you still love me.

Niyesha: I don't love you okay?! Get that through your fucking head. What don't you und--

The dressing room opened and Brandon came out. He looked at me, and then looked at Prince. Prince let go of me and put his hands through his curls. Brandon shot him a glare, and then roughly grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the food area.

Niyesha: Brandon calm the fuck down okay! Nothing happened. I swear nothing happ--

He interrupted what I was saying with a hard and long kiss right on my lips. I was too dazed to respond and he pulled back after a minute.

Brandon: Baby girl I know you didn't do anything. I could hear your loud mouth all the way from the dressing room.

Niyesha: (Sighs.) Why does this shit gotta be so fucking complicated man? I'm sorry Brandon that you gotta go through all this with me. You honestly deserve better.

Brandon: (Puts a finger to her lips.) Aye don't be saying anything like that you hear me? I got what I deserve and that's you. I knew what I was getting into when I wanted you to be mine and I'm gonna stick with you. Now calm down and relax cause we going to a club to celebrate.

Niyesha: Nigga I gotta go to the hotel and change? So much fucking workkkk.

Brandon: Ya know you curse like a sailor.

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