21. Gonna Get It

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LeeLee's P.O.V.

There's something Ray isn't telling me. I just know it. You just don't feel bad for someone who wanted to kill their girlfriend. You just can't.

I know Ray is an understanding person, but he needs to understand that caring for them in that way is just ridiculous. The girl was crazy! I knew it. He knew it. Who knows? She probably still crazy.

Yeah being in jail isn't the best experience. But she had to know what would've happened if she got caught. It's common sense.

Niyesha: LeeLee you okay?

LeeLee: I just don't know why he feels that way. There's gotta be a reason. You don't see me sympathizing with murderers. Yeah jail is fucked up, but hey don't be a crazy bitch who plans shit that could backfire and you'll be okay.

Niyesha: You know how Ray is. He has a big heart.

LeeLee: (Whispers.) Well I feel like I'm not even in that heart anymore.

It was true. For two days, if he's not ignoring me, he's not listening to me. And when he "does" listen, he zones out and forgets that I'm even talking.

Probably I just gotta show him that I'm not the type to ignore.

Niyesha: Oh no. We not having that. There is not gonna be another couple breaking up around here, especially over stupid shit.

I shot her a look and she shrugged.

Niyesha: Hey, I'm just being truthful. Talk to him if you feeling ignored.

LeeLee: Yeah ... I think I got a plan to make him never ignore me. (Smirks.)

Niyesha: (Smiles.) Ooooo I see that smirk. You got a badass plan.

I laughed, and hugged her. I checked the time and saw it was only three in the afternoon.

LeeLee: I need your help though. Come with me to Victoria's Secret.

Niyesha: (Raises eyebrow.) Are you ...?

LeeLee: Seduce him? You know it! Let's go.

I went back to the living room to grab my bag, and Niyesha went and got her wallet.

Niyesha: We're going out. You girls coming?

Alexi: Nahh. I rather just stay here with babe.

Izzy: Same here. Just bring back food.

LeeLee: (-.-) Okay then.

We left out the door, and took the elevator to the lobby. We hailed down a cab and went all the way to Sunvalley Shopping Center. It was a long ass drive, but we're here on a mission.

After about a good 45 minutes, we made it. I paid the driver and we went inside the mall. We went to the second floor and into Victoria's Secret.

I went to the lace bras and panties looking for the right one.

LeeLee: So what's up with you and Prod?

Niyesha: (Eyes turn pink.) What? Oh nothing really.

LeeLee: Awe you blushing bitch! Tell me what happened last night.

Niyesha: (Sighs.) Okay, okay. He was like a way different person. He seems so nice and innocent but when we were in the room he was getting all touchy feeling.

LeeLee: You fu--

Niyesha: (Covers LeeLee's mouth.) No! Listen he wanted to sleep with me, just sleep with me. I mean he was like no funny business ... It's complicated as fuck man.

LeeLee: You think he likes you?

Niyesha: He said he was attracted to me, and said no matter what he'll always be attracted to me. (Whispers.) And he kissed me...

LeeLee: Ooo Nini getting the hoes....

Niyesha: No LeeLee. I don't know I don't feel right about it. I mean he's sexy as fuck, and Brandon too.

LeeLee: Well you're single so do what you want. No one's holding you back. (Picks up a bra and a panties.) How about this?? Purple lace bra and panties.

Niyesha: Ooo yass girl. He gonna get hard just by looking at you.

LeeLee: (Laughs.) You're so fucking nasty Nini. I'm just seducing him. I'm not gonna give him anything.

Niyesha: Mhm you said that last time, and you ended up getting dicked down. Two times. In one day. I say that's the best way to lose your virginity.

LeeLee: Shut the fuck up Nini. It was good.

Niyesha: I gotta be the most innocent girl left.

LeeLee: We all know you a freak Nini. Being a virgin don't change shit. You the freakiest virgin I ever met. All the guys say it.

Niyesha: (Eyes widen.) What? The fuck you mean LeeLee?

LeeLee: I mean that everyone be saying that you a freak even though you be fronting on ya self. You experienced before you're experienced.

Niyesha: (Blushes.) Shut the fuck up asshole. Imma go find some bras for me.

I laughed and kept on looking. I mean I need more panties for myself. I saw a pair of cute boy shorts and decided to take two.

???: You're looking beautiful young lady.

I looked up and my mouth would've dropped if I didn't control myself.

LeeLee: Issa? Issa Thompson?

Issa: In the flesh. (Smirks.)

I hugged him. I met him last year when we were all preparing for tour and all that. He and I were like best friends. But tour been keeping us apart.

LeeLee: Whatchu doing in Victoria's Secret? ()

Issa: Tryna find something for my girlfriend's birthday.

LeeLee: I see you still with Diana. Good job.

Issa has been kind of known for his player ways but with my help I got him a girlfriend. Well not really, but I helped him stay with her.

Issa: Oh shut up. You here by yourself?

LeeLee: Nah I'm with Niyesha. She over there.

I pointed towards the bra section and there she was talking with one of the male employees.

I grabbed up my stuff and went towards Niyesha.

LeeLee: Look who I found Nini.

Niyesha: (To the employee.) Thanks you're the best. (To LeeLee.) Who you -- Omg hey Issa!

She hugged him.

Niyesha: It's been awhile. How you been?

Issa: I've been good. So you looking for a boyfriend?

Niyesha: What? Nigga no! The boy was gay. He was helping me choose which one would look good on me.

Issa: Oh. Well that's cool ... I heard about you and Prince.

Niyesha: Shit happens.

LeeLee: Don't worry she getting niggas because of it.

Niyesha: LeeLee shushhh. Listen Imma go pay for this stuff. Come to one our shows Issa. And bring ya girl too.

Issa: I will. Imma finish shopping for her birthday. It was nice seeing y'all.

We hugged, and Nini and I went to the cash register. We paid for our stuff and then left back to the hotel.


Yasss Issa Thompson is in the story!!! His eyes yo omg ❤❤ give me lifeee.

How you think about LeeLee's plan? Think it'll work?

What should Niyesha do in the complicated love triangle? Is LeeLee right with her not worrying cause she single?

ig: xoiesha_

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