4. Prodigy

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Alexi's P.O.V.

We were outside waiting for Izzy and Roc to come outside. Prod was in his car but didn't want to come out until everyone was there.

I heard he changed a lottt. Tattoos and all. I haven't been on social media as much. Plus from what I heard he barely posted anymore. He had no pictures on his instagram with his tattoos.

Oh so I thought.

Izzy: Hey guys. Sorry for keeping y'all waiting.

She came in, hand in hand, with Roc.

Roc: He's still in the car?

LeeLee: Yeah. He wanted everyone to be here.

Izzy: Well let's go.

Prince knocked on the car window, which indicated him to come out.

The door opened, and that's when he came out.

And lemme tell you something. He looked good.

Prod: Wassup y'all?

Jesus even the voice.

He was wearing a white wife beater, showing his tattoo as clear as day. I wondered how he kept this away from Instagram?

Niyesha: So we finally got to meet you. I'm Niyesha.

LeeLee: Leandra. But call me LeeLee.

Izzy: Izzy.

Alexi: I'm Alexi.

Prod: So this is the group Boss? You guys have amazing voices.

Alexi: Thanks...so um how come we didn't know of...this? (Points at tattoos.)

EJ: Well we kinda blocked you guys from his Instagram page. And purprosely made sure you had no wifi on the bus or 4G on your phones. We wanted this to be a real surprise.

Niyesha: So you prevented me from watching my novelas for this? Boy all you had to say was don't get on Instagram.

LeeLee: Me? Get off Insta? Ha. Funny.

Prince: Exactly our point. (To Prod.) So what do you think of them?

Prod: Well they're beautiful just like you said.

He had some eyes on Niyesha, who was trying to avoid his eye contact. Besides Prince, Niyesha favorite member was Prodigy. Which is pretty bad.

Izzy: Well now that we met. Let's chill.

Niyesha: Yeah I'm hungry. I can really eat some Wendy's.

Izzy: (-.-) Bruh. You just ate.

Niyesha: A sandwich? C'mon you know me better than that.

Prod: I see you guys have a Prodigy in the group. (Laughs.)

Izzy: Yup. Like the fat ass she is.

Prod: Mhm. (Laughs.) (P.O.V: She's perfect. I don't think Prince would mind. Not when he's with Andrea.)

Prince: Well let's go then.

He hooked onto Niyesha's arm and almost dragged her to the tour bus. You can tell she was confused and was about to burst in a minute. But instead there was a lot of loud whispering.

Niyesha: What the fuck is your problem?

Prince: Do you not see? He's flirting!

Niyesha: Flirting? That's flirting?

Prince: Yeah.

Niyesha: Whatever. And don't you ever grab me up like that.

She took her arm from around him and went inside the tour bus.

Everyone knows that Prince and Niyesha haven't been on the best of terms lately. Well for awhile now.

After Prince told Niyesha about the ex, she's been on caution and has been less trustworthy of him. These whole two years they had fights. But I had a feeling the biggest one was just coming.

Prod: Was I flirting?

Ray: Nah. They been like this for awhile.

We waited a few minutes before going inside. Prince was in the back, laying down, and Niyesha was laying down on the sofa on her phone.

Niyesha: Is the wifi back on? Or my 4G?

EJ: Yeah.

Niyesha: Thanks.

You could see in her face she was trying to make their relationship work. But Prince wasn't making it any better.

But neither was us. The crew.

We knew something, but if we told Niyesha it'll break her heart. She'll feel empty.

We just want to protect her. But we just might hurt her in the end.


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Prod in MM ❤✊

I'm just curious...do you guys think Prod is gonna try to get that? Or even better where is Brandon in this mess?

Don't worry...he'll be coming. As well as other characters.

ig: xoiesha_

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