13. Feeling Better

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Brandon's P.O.V.

I woke up at around 1 in the afternoon with my phone vibrating and ringing. I picked it up with a screaming LeeLee on the phone.

Brandon: Leandra calm down! What's wrong?

LeeLee: Niyesha almost killed Andrea!

Brandon: What that's impossible she's right...

I looked towards the bed to see...well an empty bed.

Brandon: Shit. How bad is she?

LeeLee: Not like I care, but a broken nose, busted lip, and scratches here and there.

Brandon: Damn. Baby girl fucked her up good. (Smirks.)

LeeLee: Um...okay. But Prince went over to New York...

Brandon: (Annoyed.) The fuck for?

LeeLee: I don't know. Listen I think she's at my house. Please check up on her. She's not answering to no one else's calls.

Brandon: Aight.

I hanged up and put on my sneakers. So Prince comes when he finds out his little girlfriend is all beat up, but didn't even come running after Niyesha like I did? Like c'mon man. And I bet you he went to see her acting as if he came for her.

Just hearing his name irked my nerve. I wanted to punch the hell out of him so badly.

I went out the hotel and whistled down for a cab.


I got out the cab and knocked on Leroy's door. No answer. I knocked again and Leroy opened up, looking all tired and shit.

Brandon: You aight man? You looked beat up.

Leroy: Niyesha...she had this breakdown and next thing I know I'm on the other side of the room and she's glowing white.

Damn. This is really knawing at her.

He showed me upstairs to his room. His clothes was all scattered and his dressers were all out. Niyesha was in the corner just sitting there, pulling at her hair. It was a horrible sight.

Brandon: Niyesha! Stop it!

I went to her and tried putting her hands to her side, but all she did was fight at me and try to shove me away. Still, I managed to keep her hands down, and she kept on punching me.

She was a mess.

Niyesha: (Whispers.) I know I'm young...but all I want is affection. You don't know how it feels to love someone and notice it was just a scam. I want someone to care for me. Without my mother here, I don't have that. I don't even know who my real father is...my life is shit.

I didn't know what to say. Yeah right now her life is looking pretty shitty. But I do know her life is worth something.

Brandon: Niyesha...listen to me. I'll give you all the affection you need. I've always wanted to. Ever since middle school. I just didn't know how to show it. But I'm older now baby girl. I could give it to you.

She started to lightly glow. She looked up at me with those puppy eyes of her. Something she did unintentionally when she was sad. Her lips were pouting.

Niyesha: You promise?

Brandon: Yes. No matter what. I'll always will.

She got off my chest and saw how tear-stained my shirt was.

Niyesha: (Laughs.) Oh God I'm sorry.

I looked at her surprised. This was the first time I've heard her laugh in what seemed like ages.

Niyesha: Do I have a bug on my face?

Brandon: (Smiles.) No no. You laughed baby girl.

She looked at me sideways and then smiled too.

Niyesha: I did. I feel...I don't know relieved...

She got up and looked around the room.

Niyesha: I did this?

Brandon: Yeah. You don't remember?

Niyesha: Barely.

Leroy: Don't worry about. Brandon I think you should take her out.

I nodded and Niyesha gave Leroy a hug. He looked taken aback. I wonder what else he saw when she had her breakdown.

She went out first and I was gonna go when Leroy stopped me.

Leroy: She digs you man. I know me and her would never really work out. We're better off away than together...go get her Brandon. And take my car.

I grinned and nodded my head. We did a bro hug, and gave me his car keys. I went outside to see Niyesha leaning on some car outside. She was actually smiling. Her face was glowing. And not the weird white glow from before. A normal humanly glow.

Brandon: You ready?

She looked up and nodded.

Niyesha: Yups.

We got in the car and I started it up.

Brandon: Where to?

She looked out the window thinking. That's when she gave me a evil smirk.

Niyesha: Six Flags!

I gave her a "Are you serious?" look but I didn't want her happy mood to go away. So then we started our drive to Six Flags.


I feel as if this chapter was a bit rushed but I felt as if I was dragging Niyesha's sadness on too long.

So yeah. Hope you enjoyed. Vote. Comment. Follow. Sharee.

ig: xoiesha_

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