36. Familiar

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Okay guys so this is Brandon (Broderick Hunter) currently my man crush on Instagram since today.

Brandon's P.O.V

Last night was something. That's honestly all I could say.

If Niyesha didn't tell me she was a virgin, I would've thought this girl was experienced with the way she was moving it last night. It could've been the alcohol she was drinking last night that made her not focus on the pain as much, but man was it something.

I looked at her, who was sleeping very well after three rounds last night. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2 in the afternoon. Luckily they didn't have a show today or else she was gonna be very tired and unable to dance for obvious reasons.

Niyesha: Brandon? (Eyes still closed,)

Brandon: That's Daddy to you. (Laughs.)

She opened her eyes, and started to cover her face with her pillow pet. I tried to take it away but her grip on it was strong as fuck.

Brandon: Awe come on babe, I was only playing.

Niyesha: No, I'm embarrassed! Ugh I probably sounded mad weird saying it, plus I was tipsy as fuck.

Brandon: You regret doing it?

Niyesha: No, of course not! All I'm saying is that ... ya know ... be honest Brandon was I doing stuff weird? Stiff? Awkward? Did I look good?

All I could was shake my damn head. This girl was worried about looking good during something you ain't suppose to be perfect doing. She probably thought she was suppose to look like some porn star while having sex, even though they aren't perfect either. Bottom line, my baby was perfect to me, but that was gonna take some time, maybe a whole lifetime to get her to know that.

Brandon: Niyesha how was you expecting yourself to look while we had sex?

Niyesha: Well ... I don't know, I've seen plenty of porn before and they looked all pretty and stuff but like still got ----

Brandon: You watched porn?!?!

Niyesha: Yeahh I have. That's like one of the main reasons why I was so scared to lose my virginity. Yeah I was scared of pain, but also scared that you might reject ... ya know ...

Brandon: Baby it's perfect to me, ain't nothing wrong with it. I've seen it before you do know that right?

Niyesha: Yeah, but ...

Brandon: Ain't no " but". Now take your butt to the bathroom and brush yo teeth. Can smell that hot breath all the way over here.

She stuck out her tongue, and went to the bathroom, but not without her getting a good morning kiss from me. I was about to snapchat her brushing her teeth, when I got a text from an unknown number. The message said:

You gonna protect yo girl right? Think ya ass could easily get away like that. Nah boy you got it twisted. Just know some shit finna go down and your girl gonna be in the middle of it.

Reading that made my stomach hit the floor, and I felt my blood immediately start to boil. I knew who it was, it pretty damn obvious who it was. I did everything to make sure this nigga stood in jail and made sure all his ties was cut off. But being where I was from, there are always snakes trying to make quick cash.

Niyesha: Baby you okay? You seem tense.

Brandon: (Tries to relaxes.) Yeah, yeah I'm good. Get dressed so we can get breakfast.

She took a good look at me before shaking her head. She grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bed.

Niyesha: I know you not good. Who texted you? And I know someone texted you cause I heard your phone vibrate. So tell me wassup.

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