15. The Cemetery

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Niyesha's P.O.V.

The next day I woke up in something so goddamn soft.

I opened my eyes and saw we were back in the hotel room. I was still in my clothes from two days ago. I really need to take a shower. Not saying I smelled, but I needed to.

Brandon: You're finally up I see.

He came from the bathroom in new clothes. He was wearing some black jeans with a pair of Bred 11s and a white shirt. You could smell the bit of cologne he put on. Always dressing to impress.

Niyesha: When did we come home last night? And when did you manage to get clothes?

Brandon: Well we got home around 2 in the morning. I stopped by yo house to get you some clothes, undergarments, shoes, and a toothbrush, and I stopped by my house.

Niyesha: You are the best. Where are my clothes? Imma shower.

Brandon: In the bag on the couch...Where you going today?

Niyesha: Cemetery.

I grabbed up my stuff and went to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and put them to the side. It felt so good to be free and have nothing on your body. I wouldn't mind walking around in bra and underwear.

I took those off and turned on the hot water, letting the steam rise. I turned on the cold water a bit, but the water was still hot. Just like I liked it.

I got in the tub, the water hitting my rough skin. I let the water flow off me and grabbed my Be Enchanted body wash Brandon also brought. Man he was awesome.

I swear I used a third of the bottle. But I felt so clean afterwards. I let the water take the suds away and I watched it go down the drain. I wet my hair and put in shampoo and conditioner the hotel provided.

After I was done in the shower, I turned off the water and dried myself with one towel while drying my hair with the other.

I looked at the outfit Brandon picked out for me. Man did he have style.

My favorite Whatever shirt with my favorite denim jeans and a pair of my platform sneakers. It went perfect with the clutch and necklace I was already wearing.

I wet my hair a bit more, and rubbed some conditioner in it. My wash-and-go was looking good.

I got out the bathroom, with my other clothes in the duffel bag he bought for me. Brandon was in the living room on his phone.

Niyesha: Ready?

Brandon: Yeah. Let's go.


The cementary. I haven't been here since the burial. I couldn't bring myself to. Did he want me here? Would I actually be able to control myself?

The funeral itself was too much. I didn't even get to see his face. They had to close the casket because the lacerations on his neck was too much and his face looked beat up.

Few people came. It was as if no one cared.

I didn't even feel that I cared.

I was just standing in front of his grave. Brandon was there next to me. No words were spoken between us. There was nothing to say.

I felt some type of energy in the air and knew what I had to do.

Niyesha: Brandon...what I'm about to tell is gonna sound crazy but I need you to trust me.

Brandon: Wassup?

Niyesha: I'm gonna contact my father.

Brandon: How?

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