25. Staying

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Niyesha's P.O.V.

I heard loud banging on my door waking me up from my sleep. I groaned, and struggled to get up. I slipped on my slippers and went to the front door.


I opened the door and saw it was Izzy. Her eyes were red and puffy.

Niyesha: What's wrong? Why you crying?

Izzy: They...They...Jared was found dead in the airplane. He had a heart attack and said he was there for about two days.

I stood quiet. I went back to my bedroom, putting on my jeans and a white T-shirt. I put on my red Converses and grabbed my phone.

Niyesha: Izzy how did you find this out?

Izzy: Keisha called us and told us to look on the news. It's on national news.

That's when my phone started to vibrate. It was Keisha.

Niyesha: Hello?

Keisha: Did you hear?

Niyesha: About Jared being dead? Yeah I did. ... What's gonna happen now?

Keisha: I understand how close he was to you, but we gotta continue touring. Our last show is here and then we're off to the east coast.

Niyesha: Okay. And Jared's funeral?

Keisha: His wife and kids are setting it up. They'll get in touch with you in a week's time.

Niyesha: Alright thanks Keisha. See you at rehearsal.

I hanged up, and Izzy and I went to Alexi's room. Everyone was there, staying quiet. I turned on the TV.

News Anchor: In California, a man by the name of Jared Smitt was found dead in his airplane. Cause of death was apparently a heart attack, and he seemed to be alone when it happened. Police are now searching the scene for any fingerprints or any foul play that could've been involved. We will keep you updated.

I sighed and turned off the TV. I sat down on the couch and laid back, closing my eyes. Everyone close to me was either dead, lost, or leaving me. Jared was like a grandfather to me. I could just imagine how his family is taking it.

Brandon: Nini, you okay?

I opened my eyes and nodded.

Niyesha: Yeah I'm good. What time does rehearsal start?

Brandon: 4. Where's Alexi?

EJ: Shopping apparently.

He didn't seem too sure, and I scrunched my eyebrows together. It wasn't for Alexi to just lie about her whereabouts.

I dialed her number and she picked up on the second ring.

Alexi: Yeah wassup?

Niyesha: Where you at?

Alexi: Coming back from the mall. I got some new shirts.

Niyesha: Oh okay. Come quickly.

Alexi: (Worried.) Is something wrong?

Niyesha: Jared...they found him dead.

Alexi: Oh shit! I'll be there in five minutes.

She hanged up and I put my phone in the front pocket. It was only 10 in the morning and we needed time to spare.

Prod: So what we gonna do?

Niyesha: Y'all wanna go chill? ...Wait...where's Ray and LeeLee?

Roc: (Smirks.) I see you slept well. I don't know if you heard what I heard but all I'm saying is Ray put in work.

Niyesha: (Shakes her head.) Oh God. They actually did it.


Everyone decided that they will go laser tag, but I told them I stay in. I wanted to relax before our rehearsal. Prod said he stay with me, which only meant bad news.

To he honest, I wasn't feeling at my best. My head was throbbing, and all I wanted was to sleep.

Prod: Niyesha you okay?

Niyesha: I'm just tired. I'll be fine.

I was going to doze off on the couch, but Prod lifted me up and carefully set me on the bed. He took off my shoes and jeans, whispering words under his breath. He covered me up with the blanket and kissed my forehead.

Prod: Sleep well baby girl.


Tbh just a filler chapter.

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ig: xoiesha_

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