19. Only Tonight

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Niyesha's P.O.V.

So against my word, Prodigy decided it was a good idea to share a room with me. I mean I didn't care, but I just wanted to have my own room. According to Prod though, I needed someone to "protect me" and "keep me safe". Obviously these people didn't tell him what I was capable of.

Prod: You know you should feel lucky in staying with you. I barely know you. (Smirks.)

Niyesha: I believe I did say I did want my own room.

Prod: Well I thought it'll be a good idea to get to know you more. I've talked to the other girls but not really you.

I was in the kitchen, grabbing a can of Sprite. I mean he was right. I barely talked to him ever since I basically told him to get lost on the tour bus. I opened the can and sipped on it.

Niyesha: Well you're not wrong. (Sips some more.) Whatchu wanna know?

Prod: Well...I am kinda confused about the whole light thing coming out of you thing.

I scrunched up my eyebrows, thinking how I was gonna explain it to him.

Hey look I'm like kind of an angel and I could predict the future and see other people's past. Oh apparently I could contact the dead and when I get angry the light coming from me is like some Dragon Ball Z shit.


Niyesha: They didn't tell you.

Prod: Told me it was better if you told me.

Niyesha: (Sighs.) Well sit down. This is gonna be an earful.

I explained to him from the beginning. How my mother disappeared, then the abuse I've received, my eyes changing color, why my locket was so special, how LeeLee and I are sisters, and me running away to find out that my dad wasn't really my dad.

When I was done, he looked shocked. I mean that is the most appropriate reaction. I wasn't expecting him to accept it completely. This wasn't normal at all.

Prod: Damn you've been through a lot.

Niyesha: Yeah. It takes some time to get used to. But hey that's life.

Prod: That's your life.

Niyesha: (Weakly smiles.) Yeah. My life.

I decided it would be a good idea to take a shower. A nice long, hot shower. This past week has been complete hell, and nothing like a shower would do me well.

Or even a bubble bath. Gawd that sounded awesome.

Niyesha: Imma go shower now.

He nodded and I grabbed the necessities I needed.

After an hour of showering, I finally finished and put on some leggings and one of those boyfriend sweaters that Old Navy had on sale.

Prod: I thought you were never gonna come out.

Niyesha: I wished I didn't have to. It felt so good.

Prod: Well you look good too.

I smiled a bit, and sat on the sofa turning on the TV. I flipped through channels, but nothing was interesting. Not even SpongeBob was entertaining me. I turned it off, and went on my phone. I started to follow back a few people on Instagram and Twitter.

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